Window mode ?



does anyoen know how to boot up HL2 in window mode :S i knwo it must b soemthing u add at the end to the short cut targewt but doens ayone know hwat that is ?/ plz tell me :(.
duh lol nvm remember now jsut type -widnow on the endof the path im so silly lol :p but was used to other games needing other codees :S
There's an option for it in the video options, other wise try starting it with hl.exe -sw

hmm still crashes after window mode to same place in the start up just after the copy ritght msg :(. I have a high end pc and braugh the freakign game now i wish they spent a little more tiem actully sorting the game out its F**kicng sucks getting it to work :flame:. and the start up is like running the marathan i hope this stream shit isnever used again it sucks.