Windows 7 public beta out


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
If you didnt already know. However, theres been HUGE problems as microsoft servers were overloaded which delayed it by a whole day. It still has problems, but few lucky ones are able to obtain a key and a download. Ive tried for 6 hours and i finally got my key, now i just have to download, it looks good so far but i hope it doesnt get cut off again.

Heres what you need to do:

Go to and log into your account, create one if you dont have. When logged in, paste into the adress bar in the same tab. There are 3 outcomes:
1.You get re-directed to Windows 7 site
2.You get re-directed to MSN search engine
3.It works, you recieve key and download.
If you download it successfully and get a key, burn it to a dvd, partition your HDD, and install. Back up ALL files that are important to you, such as documents, music, videos, pictures, as these can get currupted/lost/destroyed by using Windows7 (remember, its a beta)

Anyone have it yet?
Yes, I run it in KVM on Ubuntu. I even managed to break their snazzy new taskbar! Must be a UI bug. Overall I find it to be an improvement over Vista, however there will always be something I can nitpick. I look forward to Windows Server 7 (free Windows is good Windows).
Seems like they fixed the problem now, you can go to the Windows 7 page and get the beta straight from there.
Ah yeah i got my key now, but when i click download nothing happens.

Thats what happened to me too, but now im downloading from torrent. No its not illigal, its the exact same copy. You still need a valid Beta Key, so anyone is allowed to share the actual beta download file, as it is usuless after 30 days if you dont have the key.

If you dont want to torrent, heres another link
However, this one i also had problems with, it stops downloading after about 200mb for me.
I think i'll go torrent as well since i got the key. I got a friend who's also getting this and he says he's only getting 62KB/S so torrent might well be faster.
So it's still the 7000 build? At least I have my keys now. :p

... the download wasn't working for me either.
Likewise. I got my key and tried directly from the MS site, but the download button does nothing. I'm torrenting it now.
For anyone wanting to download direct from MS. You must use Internet Explorer and have Sliverlight installed, otherwise the download button won't do anything.
For anyone wanting to download direct from MS. You must use Internet Explorer and have Sliverlight installed, otherwise the download button won't do anything.

Oh those sneaky bastards. It's still probably faster through torrents.
For anyone wanting to download direct from MS. You must use Internet Explorer and have Sliverlight installed, otherwise the download button won't do anything.

No it'll load a java app and download that way. How else do you expect mac/linux users to get their hands on it?

No it'll load a java app and download that way. How else do you expect mac/linux users to get their hands on it?

Well when i tried it said i needed Sliverlight installed. Maybe MS has changed it i don't know. But i'm still pretty sure you need Internet Explorer the Faq states that it will only work on IE.
Go to the download page that shows your key. The link is unique and shows in the page source. Copy/Paste that and it'll work.
I have two hard drives, one with XP on it, and the other one has random stuff in it. Can i use the Windows 7 DVD that i burned to format the 2nd hard drive and then install Windows 7 on it? So i will have 1 HDD with XP, and the 2nd HDD with Windows7?

I dont want to partition my first hard drive, as its almost out of space already :/
The thing is Vista is fine but no amount of marketing was going to save that doomed ship. Well okay it wasn't doomed but it still has a bad rep. 7 so far seems like what Vista should have been from day one, from a UI perspective at least.
Hows the speed? Many people have been saying it's a lot faster than XP.
The GUI has been designed to do things quicker than Vista. Actual speed as in benchmarks and all that wonderful under the hood stuff is on par with Vista.
couldn't they have just made it as SP2 for vista then?

What this man said. Why does Windows 7 warrant an entirely new operating system when it's clearly just a small step in the (albeit right) direction? It's windows 6.5.
Never tried a Windows beta out before but I've got this downloading.
I would give it a try, it looks pretty fun...but it's a lot of hassle formatting and installing a new OS. I'm not sure how people can be bothered, especially when this beta is only valid for a couple month or so? 6 months?
I would give it a try, it looks pretty fun...but it's a lot of hassle formatting and installing a new OS. I'm not sure how people can be bothered, especially when this beta is only valid for a couple month or so? 6 months?

That is why I am not doing it. Too much hassle and I really don't know what I am doing. I know it is impossible but it would be nice to have it run as application of sorts (sorta like VMWare) but I am just dreaming.
I'm using it now and it's really great. :)

It definitely seems faster than XP.
I need some help. How the hell do i partition my hard drive? I tried using GPartition Live but its so ****ing complicated. There are 3 ?places i can put in a number of Mb in, but none of them describes what they will do with it. I have searched like crazy for step by step tutorials but they all suck. How did you guys do it?
Would i be wrong in saying you can partition during install? I seem to remember that from installing XP quite a few times.
Ok it worked now, partitioned with PartitionMagic and installed W7 which im using atm. Do i have to reinstall all my drivers tho? Like the motherboard, graphics card etc etc?
Damn it, I downloaded the 64bit version on accident. Going in for round two...