Windows 7 start menu problem


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
So whenever I move the start menu to the top it does this weird crap. I think the msn stuff in the shots should explain my frustration. If I move the line there down, the blur follows it but doesn't follow it back up!

The only way to remove it was to move it to the bottom and immediately back to the top. I don't want to do this everytime after booting up because it's always there on boot.
File a bug report :dork:

Either that or WM7 hates DBZ.
It's a bug. I don't think there is a fix for it. If you don't want it to bother you just put your computer to sleep, it's practically like being off anyway.
Stop trying to be nonconformist and leave your start bar in the normal, better position.
Moving the mouse to the top is much more comfortable and intuitive to me. And it looks better anyways. But I'm ambidextrous, I switch all the time. I just don't do sides, that's ugly.
I've used the taskbar on the left side for close to 2 months. I actually liked it better because I'm on a TV, not monitor, with a low resolution (1360x768) and it frees up more vertical view (since webpages are still desgined with 4:3 in mind). So it has its uses, especially on widescreen setups as there seems no point to have the taskbar run all the way across with the new way it handles windows.

But I usually use headphones, so I switch all the time.
That was poking fun at DeathMaster's (probable) misuse of the word ambidextorous, as that should have nothing to do with taskbar placement or switching.
Moving the mouse to the top is much more comfortable and intuitive to me.


Your file menus, toolbars, etc are at the top of your screen. Having the Start Menu and the notification area on the opposite side is a bit silly. Although, I wish you could separate the taskbar and keep it on the bottom though. Make it look like GNOME. ;3
I tried my start bar on the top for a day or so before, and i kept hitting the minimize/maximize/close buttons on accident when I went to click on a taskbar entry.
I've had my taskbar at the top for the past 10 years or so now. I find it much easier to work with.
I find the file menu being on the opposite side as the close button a pain in the ass when editing hundreds of photos. Save, close, save, close, save, close.... Oh, Mac... maybe you were right. (the close button is on the left)
I find the file menu being on the opposite side as the close button a pain in the ass when editing hundreds of photos. Save, close, save, close, save, close.... Oh, Mac... maybe you were right. (the close button is on the left)

Hotkeys newb.
Having used Macs when I was too young to go to school I got accustomed to the taskbar being on top.
It feels much more natural for it to be that way and so I always have the taskbar on the top of the screen.

Auto-hide taskbar ftw too.
/tries it at the top

This wouldn't be so bad if taskbar icons were center aligned. :'(