Windows 7?? :/


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Wow this is like ****ing annoying.

Just installed windows 7 having skipped vista and its just so bloody annoying. Right now I'm trying to install EvE-Online and it keeps asking me for admin passwords? I have only set up one account with no passwords? Any ideas how to fix this?
"Change User Account Control Settings" turn it all the way down.

There should have been a little opt-out option on those admin dialog boxes.
I cant think of a time when I have been more frustrated :@

Eve installed fine if i log off and go into admin account and will run form there but asks for password from my account.

And now i notice i cant even make a proper quick start bar along the bottom left? There is one full of shit I cannot delete on the right tho :/
Have you tried going into any options in the Control Panel? Or are you plowing through 7 in an angsty rage?
:( Both

Nothing seems to be where I think it should be. I want to unhide known file extentions but its nothing like it used to be.

And all this admin stuff is a load of .. ehhg rage...
Somebody's unhappy with 7? Unpossible! Windows 7 is supposed to let you run crysis at max settings, find alien life, fold the correct proteins, and bring back jesus...and that's all before you type in the serial key!
I just want it to look like the old windows, and to let me bloody play a game :( I guess i can just use the admin account.
I just want it to look like the old windows, and to let me bloody play a game :( I guess i can just use the admin account.

Yeah I know what you mean. I wanna play Beneath A Steel Sky, but when I type BASS.EXE in Windows 7, nothing happens. What is this bullshit? Why have they changed the interface? Why should I have to learn to use a new Windows UI? It was perfect in 1992.
Really? Perfect?

This thread is ****ing hilarious.

I'll probably still be using WinXP in 5 years, simply because I know how. Though, I'm definitely going to be patient and give Win7 a chance. It looks so clean.
There is just so much big fat colorful stuff that doesn't seem to do anything :(

I need to fix this shitty admin password shit and also I really like a quick lunch bar :'(

The only reason I got windows 7 was i got a quad core machine now which wasnt really getting used with xp. Now tho its all being picked up and going damn fast.

Its just annoying how its all made for compleat retards and you cant simply go in and put on some classic mode that just has stuff you want. Its all new and in the wrong place.
Sweet that worked,

It's pretty bloody stupid that the only way to get such a basic tool working is to do some long winded walk around tho, its made me angry.
This is just beginner's frustration. Everything you need is still in windows 7. I've used XP to all extent, despised vista for a bunch of reasons. I'm now using the w7 RC and after getting used to it after a day or so, it's much better than XP imo.

First of all, turn UAC all the way down.

The quicklaunch functionality is now done by pinning programs to the taskbar. (rightclick > pin to taskbar)

I didn't particularly like the icon-only bar settings, so I switched to the 'vista way'. (rightclick > properties > set 'taskbar buttons' to 'combine when full'.

The extension hiding is still in the same place as XP and Vista. Start > control panel > Folder options > View tab > untick 'hide extensions for known filetypes'. You might also want to tick 'always display menus' there.

You'll like the jumplists. Pin Explorer to the taskbar, rightclick on it and you'll get to the jumplist. It will show the most used folders as of late. You can pin folders to this list as well. Very useful.

The only gripe I have with windows 7 is the inability to drag toolbars to another side of the screen. They're fixed to the taskbar for some reason, probably a bug. You could always do this in XP and Vista. So now I just have my programs in toolbars at the bottom of my taskbar.

If you have other problems or things you had in XP but can't find in windows 7, post some more.
Sweet that worked,

It's pretty bloody stupid that the only way to get such a basic tool working is to do some long winded walk around tho, its made me angry.
Well, Win7 has a little longer to tweak those things and expose UI options before launch right? Or has it gone gold?

The taskbar pinning thing is a great substitute though. I want to borrow a hd so I can install the 7 RC on an empty partition without bothering my XP install. VirtualBox is only good for so long; having to share resources between a host and guest OS is too limiting.
Eh, drama over nothing? To install something as a regular user (no administrator rights), which you should be logged in as, you need elevated rights. In other words: your rights over the computer must be temporarily elevated to that of the PC's administrator to complete the install action, for which you need the password of the administrator account.

UAC makes having these elevated rights easier than in for example XP, where an entire process needs to be run as an administrator, whereas with UAC only the action that actually needs elevation temporarily elevates your rights. Running as a non-admin in XP is just a pain in the ass, UAC improves this by a lot, it makes using a limited user account bearable and is fundamentally a good feature and should not just be disabled because you think it is annoying. In fact, if a program gives you a lot of UAC prompts for no reason it means that the program is badly coded and the annoyance of UAC is a good incentive for the author to improve his shitty (and potentially insecure) program.

Ideally, you should have a single account that is set up as administrator with a password, which is NOT used for daily tasks but purely for administrative tasks that cannot be easily done through UAC (you don't want to have to input your password 20 times to do 20 small administrative tasks, easier to just log on once to the administrator account temporarily) and then for every user that uses the PC a limited user account.

I really wish MS would stop pussyfooting around and just enforce the right way.
Good point, you'd never see any self-respecting Linux user perpetually logged in as root, would you?
I adore Windows 7 on my new computer.

Just turning eve on was asking me for passwords :(

The first account I made "martyn" during the installation and when looking under the profile information it does say its an ADMIN account so it seems odd that its asking for passwords when I install.

But yes, having used xp for years and win ME befor that I'm very used to the UI and how things work. I know where what I need lives and now it all seems to have moved off to random sub menus all over the place and its frustrating to find :(
You can't change a file name or update an mp3 tag in WinXP unless you are an administrator. About all you can do is launch the files already on the computer.

If I get Win7, I will be turning that feature off first thing.
You can't change a file name or update an mp3 tag in [strike]WinXP[/strike] Windows 7 unless you are an administrator. About all you can do is launch the files already on the computer.

If I get Win7, I will be turning that feature off first thing.

Assuming you meant it as corrected?

Where the heck did you hear that?
No, I mean in XP.

So, if it's similar to that, I have to put in a password or log in as an administrator to modify mp3s in Windows 7, I'll probably just stay logged in as an administrator.
And how are you trying to edit a MP3 tag?
Windows properties tab for the file or a tag editor program?
You only need permission to change files that aren't yours / have no rights to. Makes sense to me.
Just use the Admin account you pussy, ive been using the admin account as my main account ever since i was in my mothers womb, and i never get vajruzes.
When I try and drag windows out of the screen space it seems to full screen things rather then let me let it hang over the edge. Any way to fix this?
That happens when your cursor touches the sides of the screen. Try dragging it out without hitting the edges with your cursor.

I had very few issues when I was running Windows 7. Has anyone has issues with specific games?
There are some color correction issues with Starcraft, but that can be fixed with a batch file that contains:

taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
start C:\Windows\explorer.exe
I'm trying to drag eve out the top of the screen a tad but it keeps snapping back down to fit :(
Quit being ashamed of your windows!