Windows Installer is effed up


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
I can't run any MSI based installations, whether they're .exe or .msi.

I get this error almost immediately after launching an installer:

This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

I've tried installing the latest .net framework and windows installer versions, as well as a system restore to a date where I didn't have this problem. I've tried most solutions I could find through googling. There's even an official windows installer cleanup program, but I can't even install that because I get the same message.

I can't even think of any reason this problem arose. I haven't made any changes to my system that I know of.

Help would be greatly appreciated.
so you tried a bunch of different ones? Maybe system restore could still help (in case its a change you're not aware of)
Well I tried restoring to a date well before I ever saw the error, but I guess it's still possible something could have happened before that. I'll try going back as far as I can, just to see if it will even fix anything. Good thing I can always undo and have everything back the way it is now.

Edit: No luck. :(

Edit 2: I did a repair install on my OS and it works now. Yey.
theres an app from microsoft that supposedly fixes problems with the windows installer, but when ive tried it on clients machines its not worked. i would backup your stuff and do a complete restore.

edit: i stupidly stopped reading halfway through the post above and didnt realise youd solved it. that will serve me right for being lazy
And I already mentioned the app that fixes windows installer in my first post.

There's even an official windows installer cleanup program, but I can't even install that because I get the same message.