Windows Live Messenger 8 Download



Some of you may be looking for a virus free 'Messenger 8 Beta' download. Well, here's a link to where you can get messenger 8 with full intall instructions. There are also screenshots...

Link to Download thread

Note: You'll notice above the download link for messenger 8 a Fix for Zombie Horde, download that too if you play on zombie horde servers.
I'd like an invite too, but i think fliko is unlikely to give them out to such an under-priviledged orphan such as myself.

I don't trust people with 3 posts coming to a forum with a dodgy link tbh...
Not bad...but it's really bloated. I'll wait for people to make some nice skins for it before I make the switch.
But I'm peeved now because I can't use the Foton skin as it only works pre 7.5 and that's the only one out to download. At least there's an iTunes skin that works...
Bah, there goes my use for invites. I need your guy's addresses too if you want me to invite.
Screenshot for anyone who wants it

Any more invites, pm them me please and i'll give you a hug :)
JellyWorld said:
Screenshot for anyone who wants it

lmao, the funny thing is your screen name is bragging about the fact you have this new msn, which i think nearly everyone has now (and isn't that impressive, just shiny looking), BUT your listening to the Boyzone album, so the jokes on you! ha!
Hectic Glenn said:
lmao, the funny thing is your screen name is bragging about the fact you have this new msn, which i think nearly everyone has now (and isn't that impressive, just shiny looking), BUT your listening to the Boyzone album, so the jokes on you! ha!
I usually just cycle through all the albums on my hard disk so I don't have to go through the trouble of choosing which albums to listen to.