Windows Vista Beta the Largest Software Download in History


Oct 19, 2004
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In an instant message chat, Microsoft has told the Windows Featured Communities that the demand for Windows Vista Beta 2 has been overwhelming. It is, in fact, the largest downloaded software in history. Currently, they are serving product keys out ten times faster then the downloads can be served. In fact, they are pumping out bits as fast as they can - any faster and there would be a measurable impact on the internet. In fact, I quote a Microsoft representive:

"So, we are literally saying that if we increased our bandwidth any further there's a possibilty of taking down the Internet - people might have problems with World Cup viewing, etc"

People who have recieved Vista Beta 2 product keys, but are unable to download, may need to wait a few days, up to one week. Microsoft encoruages users who want to try out Windows Vista Beta 2 to order the DVD. When they recieve the DVD in 1-4 weeks, install it, and activate it, they will be automattically guaranteed an RC1 upgrade.

Yikes! :eek:

I had trouble getting it but luckily I found an alternate source that gave me 600kb/s with no troubles.
The page said they where experiencing "high load" I then told my download manager to grab it and boom instant connection. It finished over night and I'm currently triple booting.

So far I havn't enjoyed how they've juggled everything around and god UAC pissed me off, turn that off asap folks. "Are you sure you want to do this?" every two seconds is not enjoyable.

It has some nice additions but the noobification is bloody obvious.

Internets: Yeah maybe international connections, but you can't take the inernet down as a whole. Hmm reminds me of last week or the week before that I forget when that cable was "cut".
That must explain my constant lag on the internet all of a sudden when Vista is released...
Yeah I wonder if that has caused any of my ping issues. One minute I'm playing fine with 20 ping and the next I'm sitting at 200-1000 ping for a few minutes at least.
How in gods name is that possible?

I mean, really, it's not like Microsoft owns every single server in the entire world. How can the ENTIRE INTERNET go behind?
uh, the whole world has backbones which are shared between everyone, and if ms pushes enough data through or by doing somthing else, they could effectively cause massive disruptions.

okay, there, i answered your question in layman's terms, now, off to a search engine you go. :)
destrukt said:
uh, the whole world has backbones which are shared between everyone, and if ms pushes enough data through or by doing somthing else, they could effectively cause massive disruptions.

okay, there, i answered your question in layman's terms, now, off to a search engine you go. :)

That still doesn't make any sense.

It's way too layman. I'm not THAT dumb.
Yeah true, I felt the same lag on the Net ever since Vista was released. Also does anyone noticed the POP-Ups here at

sinkoman said:
How in gods name is that possible?

I mean, really, it's not like Microsoft owns every single server in the entire world. How can the ENTIRE INTERNET go behind?

Your question says a lot about how ignorant you are about IT, the (WWW) world wide web and how HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) work in our virtual world of Internet.
I will enlighten you as easily as I can without going into major detail with this: We all communicate and meet in servers (Internet Backbones), servers get their info from other servers, and server communications go as far as the sky and beyond, and as we speak lots of servers are busy handling MS’s Vista. If every, and each one of us tries to download Vista, the whole Internet will come down to crawling, and MS will bombarded with requests. Same as how some Internet worms work.

sinkoman said:
That still doesn't make any sense.

It's way too layman. I'm not THAT dumb.

This may not make lots of sense to you as your knowledge of the Internet and how it works is limited, nor are you dumb, but just ignorant about something, which is not bad, we all are ignorant about something or another, but that’s the rule.
MS does not want to overwhelm the Internet with her Vista, same as when you’re downloading two or three software at the same time: Your first download might be 500Kbps, and you start the second download and your downloading speed may drop down to somewhere 250kbps and the third will even be worst.

Good Luck.
I've noticed that my Internet has been slower over the last day or two. Nice to see that it's not a problem on my end, although it's amazing how a single download can affect the entire Internet to this degree.
Actually mine has improved oddly enough. Could be because my bandwidth hogging foreignn exchange student has gone back to his former country, with his laptop and all his pr0n
Barney Fife said:
Your question says a lot about how ignorant you are about IT, the (WWW) world wide web and how HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) work in our virtual world of Internet.
I will enlighten you as easily as I can without going into major detail with this: We all communicate and meet in servers (Internet Backbones), servers get their info from other servers, and server communications go as far as the sky and beyond, and as we speak lots of servers are busy handling MS’s Vista. If every, and each one of us tries to download Vista, the whole Internet will come down to crawling, and MS will bombarded with requests. Same as how some Internet worms work.

Ok, this makes more sense.

So, you're saying that basically everything online works in the same fashion as Email, in that your message jumps between a multitude of servers before it reaches the final POP/SMTP server that your buddy checks, right?

I guess I am a tad ignorant as to how this stuff works. I did a ton of web design and server sign programming work a few years back, but never really bothered to educate myself as to how the internet functioned.

But no, I didn't notice ANY sort of lag AT ALL yesterday. Was playing CSS all day with HL2.netters, and my ping was in the usual ranges all day long.

But my connection HAS been randomly dropping me.
sinkoman said:
Ok, this makes more sense.

So, you're saying that basically everything online works in the same fashion as Email, in that your message jumps between a multitude of servers before it reaches the final POP/SMTP server that your buddy checks, right?
Absolutely the same thing. Now imagine the upload bandwidth of every server out there bombarded with MS’s Vista download. Also same as denial of service attack against website, whenever web-page bandwidth is exceeded. Also when you downloading a file from or sometimes the downloading bandwidth is good and over 500kbps and sometimes 100-200kbps and sometimes you wait for minutes before download even starts, this can tell you that the server is jammed with other people downloading, and server uploading-bandwidth is way far stretched.

sinkoman said:
I guess I am a tad ignorant as to how this stuff works. I did a ton of web design and server sign programming work a few years back, but never really bothered to educate myself as to how the Internet functioned.
Nothing wrong with that, we all are some sorts of ignorants in a way or another. Never designed Web-Pages myself, so I guess I’m tad of ignorant there if you ask me.
Wowa not 6!!

The 32bit verison is 3.13gigs.
The 64bit verison is 4.6gigs(it's 4. something)

This is getting annoying. I'm starting to notice the lag spikes now.