Windows Vista Is Now Obsolete!


Jul 9, 2003
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OK I will get flamed for this but please hear me out. We all know that Windows Vista has been in development for about 5 years for now. It looks pretty doesn't it? Well the boyz working on Linux has been developing new technology in the last past few months that put Windows Vista to shame. This technology has only been in development for a few months and already it is running perfectly smooth. People have told me they have noticed no slow down using these features. You must watch this video and post your feedback on it:

This is some incredible technology in my opinion and please if your going to flame me at least watch the entire video before you do. You can view my other post that goes more into detail about Linux here:

It talks about new technology like SHC which if a Linux program was to ever lock up it would automatically fix itself, it talks about the Liv CD technology, Linux gaming, ADM technology which means no more downloading drivers, no rebooting in Linux, etc. Please leave feedback after watching that technology demo which will become the new Novell Linux scheduled to come out later this year.

PS: I also want to mention that this will be working with KDE 4.0 Plasma so the Windows, Star Menu, etc will all be diferent rather then the old Gnome look. The video is only demonstrating the graphic effects and not that actual Plasma artwork. The two projects will be working together. Here is some basic concept art for KDE 4.0:
Oh, right, cuz the desktop and Halo compatability is all of what Vista is about.

Please jack off Linus Torvalds more.
oooh! I like that first video!

The 3d desktop thing is awesome! You could have so much extra room doing that!
WhiteZero said:
Oh, right, cuz the desktop and Halo compatability is all of what Vista is about.

Please jack off Linus Torvalds more.

Whats your problem? This topic has nothing to do with Halo. I had posted a comment about Linux in that thread a while back when we where debating about Windows Vista. Windows Vista took over 500MB just to boot. Maybe you like slow bogged down crappy operating system but I don't. So why don't you use your brain and do some research on both operating systems before commenting? Geeze thats an idea.
"Cappy OS" based on a beta.

Seeings that any "research" done on an imcomplete OS is left innacurate, theres no point at this time.
I'd rather have an OS where all my applications run natively.

kschreck: your sig is too long. Change it or I will.
I tried Both the Linux beta (in development for about 5 months) and the Vista beta (in development for 5 years) and the Linux one ran worlds better.
Does it run games that will be coming out without any hassles?
Or even better, does it play DX10 games such as Crysis?<3
Otherwise it can kiss my North-Germanic ass.:thumbs:
Of course it runs games:


I would switch to linux immediately if it wasn't for compatability issues.

That video is amazing though!
I'd like to see performance benchmarks for the games. We all know it can run the games, the question is how fast.
Ok so two games run, do they run just as fast as windows? Are the graphics card drivers by nvidia and ati as good as windows? Where can I find of list of games that work with next to no tweaking?
phantomdesign said:
I would switch to linux immediately if it wasn't for compatability issues.

That video is amazing though!

I feel the same way.
I guess I should probably install linux and see for myself; afterall it can't hurt (free) & I've been wanting to do it for so long!

EDIT: Does anyone know if these features (in the video) are in the current version of Linux? Are these features an expansion (seperate add-on software)?
If I'm not wrong it's going to be part of KDE, which means any distro which uses KDE should have this.
phantomdesign said:
I would switch to linux immediately if it wasn't for compatability issues.

That video is amazing though!

What compatability problems did you experience in Linux and how long ago has it's been? I have never seen a compatability problem in Linux now for at least 2 years. Not ever since the new technology called ADM (Advanced Driver Management) came out. Essentially it scans your hardware and builds a driver for you during installation. This is how the Live CD works. Thats a Linux that you litterally boot from off of a CD into memory. For example, stick it into a computer at school and in less then a minute you could be watching a video on the web with sound. Yes it's that advanced.

As for gaming it runs better IMO. Linux also supports multi processors, 64Bit computers, etc. While Windows 2000 and XP says it supports dual processor it really doesn't You can test this simply by installing a game and then checking the tast manage and your CPU rates. Whats cool is that you can have Linux installed and Windows installed at the same time and you can select between them during a boot. Neither OS effects each other. It's like having two computers. You can also run Windows in a box in Linux and it will force Windows to use both processors if you have two.
It's the K Desktop Environment.

KDE and Gnome are the two big ones. Then, if you want something more light and resource-friendly you can switch to XFce. If, for some reason, you hate leaving behind the XP feel... you can try XPde, but I don't know how well that one works.
All I know, is that Windows XP is the end of line for Microsoft products in my house. I've always been a Linux fan. How long has XP been around? It's a security nightmare and is still being patched weekly. I know, I know, this new Vista OS will be absolutely perfect out of the box and will be the most secure OS in the world. LOL, I couldn't even type that with a straight face. Good riddance Microsoft. Die a horrible, painful death and may you rot in hell.
Yes, because linux is going to overtake Windows as the dominant desktop OS...
oh mang, leet desktop visuals == awesome setup lolz that will 0wn windows vista, kekeke; did i mention i'm a complete freaking moron/lemming ?

xp isn't being patched weekly, and infact hasn't been patched for some time.

microsoft isn't going to die, hopefully ignorant lemmings will, though.

Whats cool is that you can have Linux installed and Windows installed at the same time and you can select between them during a boot. Neither OS effects each other. It's like having two computers. You can also run Windows in a box in Linux and it will force Windows to use both processors if you have two.
man, have you heard about the interweb, i hear it's kool, especially with 28.8kbps speed lols !
Wait a minute, it scans your _hard drive_ and builds drivers for you?

What is it scanning, pre-installed operating systems? Is it just ripping drivers? What's going on here?! I guess I should go read up on it.

Linux has been able to 'scan' your system and install the appropriate drivers for quite a while now, but what happens if you add some new unsupported hardware? You still get the pain of trying to find and install software for it, then reconfiguring your system to use it. Ugh! If it wasn't for windows lacking all of the tools I need to do my job, I'd probably use it instead.
destrukt said:
oh mang, leet desktop visuals == awesome setup lolz that will 0wn windows vista, kekeke; did i mention i'm a complete freaking moron/lemming ?

xp isn't being patched weekly, and infact hasn't been patched for some time.

microsoft isn't going to die, hopefully ignorant lemmings will, though.

man, have you heard about the interweb, i hear it's kool, especially with 28.8kbps speed lols !

You certainly are a moronic lemming. You've got the ignorant part all taken care of as well. XP was patched three days ago. I'm guessing your useless little mind doesn't even know what a lemming is either. Your language skills are phenomenal by the way. Maybe a trip back to fourth grade will help.

If anyone are lemmings, it's the 98% of the population that uses an inferior, overpriced OS like Windows. The term "lemming" is often used in slang to denote those who mindlessly follow the crowd, even if destruction is the result. I couldn't think of a better term for a kid who apparently doesn't know much about OS's and defends Windows security.

I certainly don't expect MS to actually die. I'd like it to die though. Ignorant people like yourself will be sure to keep the company in business by buying and supporting their inferior products. In your case though your mommy and daddy probably bought it or you simply pirated it.

Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB911927) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Security Update for Windows Media Player Plug-in (KB911564) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP (KB911565) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB913446) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - February 2006 (KB890830) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
So people who use Windows are ignorant? Nice generalisation there.

When linux can run all the applications and games that I use natively, I'll consider it. Until then, it's just a server OS.
Wow, so an update was released last week, so that means that Microsoft releases updates weekly? Great logic there.
So when is this stuff coming out? I've used Linux a few times, got frustrated with it quickly and gave up on it. But I've been meaning to really learn how to use it some day.
When linux(its great that you refer to "linux" when linux is just a kernel and not an OS, really shows how much you know about operating systems)

Like I said in another topic, please get a clue before you start spouting crap and making your self look like a linux zealot.

Oh and go to update a distro like Fedora core 4, and THEN you will see what updates mean(last up2date from a clean install was about 400 megs of patches, and I checked a couple of months ago)

Oh and when cedega(oh hi I run like shit and dont support most DX features above 8!) and wine don't suck royally for emulation you can talk to me about windows program support.

The only OS I would consider up to the quality of windows is OSX, linux distros are so far behind quality wise in the desktop arena it's not even funny.

Oh and notice they are trying to copy the windows look? Hrmm what does that tell you about Linux development in general.

In short, you should learn about what WinFX actually brings to the table in the way a development model apart from "ooooh accelerated windows" that linux just shows off.

Most 'Oh's ever in a post :p
heh, I love it when people bitch about Windows security, and then don't provide even one example of a security hole.
Oh noes! The WMF Exploit! Oops... patched early.
Oh noes! DCOM! Oops... easily disabled.
IPC$ Null sessions? Again, easily disabled.

A plethora of patches are released for XP every second tuesday of the month. Heck, MS is paying 3rd parties thousands of dollars to hack Windows so MS can fix it.

If anything, Linux is far more explotable due to it's open source basis.
"Oh gee, look at this loophole in the code. *exploit*"
Why isnt there a big deal made about security holes in Linux? Hmmmm, maybe because a smart hacker is going to target the largest ammount of people to attack... Windows users. If Microsoft suddely went bankrupt today and everyone had to switch over to MacOS or a Linux distro, you'd see just as much whining about them as you do for Windows, if not more.

You fools act like Linux is infaliable. I have over a thousand tools and documents about Linux hacking and exploiting sitting on my hard drive right now from my Ethical Hacker class.

It's so cool to hate MS these days... kind of sad.
I must admit that Video is class. If I had a 250gb Harrdrive I'd partition 25gb for that beta. is it downloadable?
Where can you download the linux beta?
Im guessing this is Suse, since it said Novell at the beggining of the video.

Good to see Linux is keeping up, Windows needs some competition.
TheGrimSweeper said:
Im guessing this is Suse, since it said Novell at the beggining of the video.

Good to see Linux is keeping up, Windows needs some competition.
Well, Linux has always kind of dominated the server market. It's just there home-user/desktop user base isnt nearly as broad.
How stable is Linux? Depends, usually, not very.
How good does Linux run games? Well, I'd think not very well

Why does everyone bash M$? They have to manage so much things they can't release patchs for bugs within 1 minute of discovering it.
EDIT: That, and no more rebooting and no more drivers is pretty risky, and most likely won't work. If it does, it won't work at peak performance.
WhiteZero said:
heh, I love it when people bitch about Windows security, and then don't provide even one example of a security hole.
Oh noes! The WMF Exploit! Oops... patched early.
Oh noes! DCOM! Oops... easily disabled.
IPC$ Null sessions? Again, easily disabled.

A plethora of patches are released for XP every second tuesday of the month. Heck, MS is paying 3rd parties thousands of dollars to hack Windows so MS can fix it.

If anything, Linux is far more explotable due to it's open source basis.
"Oh gee, look at this loophole in the code. *exploit*"
Why isnt there a big deal made about security holes in Linux? Hmmmm, maybe because a smart hacker is going to target the largest ammount of people to attack... Windows users. If Microsoft suddely went bankrupt today and everyone had to switch over to MacOS or a Linux distro, you'd see just as much whining about them as you do for Windows, if not more.

You fools act like Linux is infaliable. I have over a thousand tools and documents about Linux hacking and exploiting sitting on my hard drive right now from my Ethical Hacker class.

It's so cool to hate MS these days... kind of sad.
Really? Yeah, you're probably right. It's all in our heads.
Revisedsoul said:
lets take compairison articles for a snapshot of time from almost 2 years ago

seriously how is looking at 40 patched flaws from one linux distro to ms server 2003 going to fully prove anything
Way to completely miss the bulk of the article...
Oh noes! windows v linux again : o

I wonder who will win, how exiting!

Tbh they both have great things going for both platforms by the look's of thing's, but hey you cant help but note the leg up of freeness that linux has.

I think it's kindof a default assumption most of the time that free stuff cant be any good... because its free, and you think your being scammed somehow? well kudos to free PC based operating system's I say the option is still very welcome, and needed if you ask me.

If it support's next gen games too then you atleast have the fantastically ranged option of spending hundreds of pounds on window's or getting linux without a dent in the old wallet.
Fishlore said:
You certainly are a moronic lemming. You've got the ignorant part all taken care of as well. XP was patched three days ago. I'm guessing your useless little mind doesn't even know what a lemming is either. Your language skills are phenomenal by the way. Maybe a trip back to fourth grade will help.

If anyone are lemmings, it's the 98% of the population that uses an inferior, overpriced OS like Windows. The term "lemming" is often used in slang to denote those who mindlessly follow the crowd, even if destruction is the result. I couldn't think of a better term for a kid who apparently doesn't know much about OS's and defends Windows security.

I certainly don't expect MS to actually die. I'd like it to die though. Ignorant people like yourself will be sure to keep the company in business by buying and supporting their inferior products. In your case though your mommy and daddy probably bought it or you simply pirated it.

Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB911927) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Security Update for Windows Media Player Plug-in (KB911564) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP (KB911565) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB913446) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
Windows XP Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - February 2006 (KB890830) Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Automatic Updates
so, 1 of those patches directly affected xp (KB911927; also, windows != windows media player, even if they are bundled together), which was about web client services, so it would affect webdav which could hardly create an impact.

my use of 'lemming' was alot more appropriate, i also didn't have to lower myself by directly going after one person. :)

also, hahah @ calling windows overpriced.

you resorted to insulting my apparent bad language skills, good job, you must have a strong argument there -- also, just what is wrong ? no capitalisation or ? do tell.

you've also resorted to insulting me and my parents and calling me a child, once again, strong argument, and please, go grow up and come back when you can argue on topic, thanks -- i won't report these blatant and useless personal attacks, but if you continue being useless, maybe i will ? ;)

learn to have a debate, without trying to personally attack someone; what, am i suppose to be offended because you said i am ignorant, have a useless little mind, have bad language skills and use inferior products ? hah, good use of your time, guy.