windows xp startbar help


Apr 26, 2004
Reaction score
can someone please help me. i need help finding a black windows xp startbar, ive looked forever and can't find one. thanks!!!!!
I thought you made threads on this before :|


I am looking for one too.
this is somewhat off-topic, but it's somewhat related,

does anyone know a program that makes your windows transparent when they're not focused and then fades them back in when you put your mouse over them?
Hazar said:
does anyone know a program that makes your windows transparent when they're not focused and then fades them back in when you put your mouse over them?
Isn't that one of the 'awesome new features' of Longhorn?
I'm using a theme called 'Asuite'
It has a black bar
Its an awesome theme.
Don't use stylexp, it rapes your ram
Just get a program that modifies your windows themes dll to allow unsigned themes.
Then you can just use community made themes through windows.
Yeah, those xp-theme changers eat up system res. What's this about hxing the themes dll, Ikerous? Got a link? :)
Yea, Deviantart is a gold mine for emoticons and themes :thumbs: