WINNAR!!! N64 & Goldeneye :o)

yep, still play that occasionally.
I went down to game station to buy an N64 and goldeneye yesterday as it happens, just had a craving. Would have got one if they had a second controller for sale as well.
I don't think I could ever part with my N64 and my collection of games for it. It was my first console that I owned, and still my favorite. I've played games for the SEGA Genesis and Super Nintendo, but the N64 games were more enjoyable for me (aside from Sonic and Mario).

Goldeneye is still a favorite, and even thought I spent more hours on Perfect Dark, Goldeneye is still fun to play after all these years (even if the controls are weird to me after spending recent years getting good at the Halo control scheme). I am looking forward to Goldeneye: Source.
Goldeneye rocked so hard back in the day... and still to this day.
It's a great game to play with friends.
the only game I ever wanted to play on the n64 was Starfox...
Though we don't support GE:Source, due to the fact that it breaches IP laws and all that jazz, I'm looking forward to it.

There was a Goldeneye project for HL1, but that really sucked ass.
I tried googling "winnar" to no avail. Sometimes I really despise intentional misspelling of words i.e. netspeak.
Of course I'm waiting for it :D

Hell, I still have my NES... I never part with games :)

BTW... does anybody remember the portable that played Sega Genesis games? (Yes it took those catridges)... That thing was hugggeee lol... I was just thinking about that with this nostalgic thread :p

Oh, and to gain an unfair advantage play as OddJob in Goldeneye!!! He's a short little bastard.
Funny you should mention this, me and my friends dug out my old (see through purple :bounce: ) N64 the other weekend and had a blast playing GoldenEye, Perfect Dark and Mario Kart 64 all night long. Those three games could satisfy my desert island needs for well over a year.
Anyone have a link to this "Goldenye : Source?"

This is interesting, if they don't screw it up.
You can get the site here

I assume we are ok to link to it, even though we don't "support" it? If not, please remove.
I have the ROM. :D

Naturally I own a hard copy of the game as well...
Adidajs said:
I tried googling "winnar" to no avail. Sometimes I really despise intentional misspelling of words i.e. netspeak.

At least it's not as bad as the tragedy of there/their/they're. I swear about two people on the internet know the difference. It's not like you can just read through it too, as they each mean completely different things.

I wish the admins here would make me a super moderator 'grammar nazi' and I could just fix mistakes as I browsed the forums.

I'm looking forward to Goldeneye:Source too.
There - "Go over there, bitch!"
Their - "Their house was made of chocolate so I ate it which made me obese so I died."
They're - "They're the most idiotic people I have ever met."

Does that make me the second person?
Hey, if your that fussed, and I mean seriously picky, I would point out the following:

I swear about two people on the internet know the difference.
This would mean that you are talking about two particular people on the net, not that there are two people who know the difference...

It's not like... lets be honest this is poor grammar, even if you are from Liverpool

Its a fact that however well constructed your post is, somone can/will pick it apart, as no doubt someone else will this one. However, in my case, I have just had my Osprey destroyed in Eve-online because I was to busy watching a film, and am being an evil bastard to make myself feel better, so when someone does it to me (Prob within the next 3 posts) I deserve it.

Chris_D, I can see you thinking up your response already, don't pretend you wern't, and don't stoop to our level, you may never get back up...

FictiousWill - I'm in a "I'm drunk, a game has irritated me, I'm going to be a bastard to someone" kind of mood, its not personal :)
Link said:

"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul!"

I still play it occasionally, and I love the game to death, but I can honestly say I'm not looking forward to goldeneye source.

There is absolutley no way they can, in my mind at least, replicate the experiaence of four friends jammed on a couch yelling at each other as one person unloads a klobb clip, not hitting anyone, and another is chucking remote mines everywhere. That's something that I don't think can be done, period, on a PC. Not even at a LAN. You're not always in punching distance at a lan. Or want to be punching around drinks around your open tower. Anyway, my 2 cents.
SidewinderX said:
I still play it occasionally, and I love the game to death, but I can honestly say I'm not looking forward to goldeneye source.

There is absolutley no way they can, in my mind at least, replicate the experiaence of four friends jammed on a couch yelling at each other as one person unloads a klobb clip, not hitting anyone, and another is chucking remote mines everywhere. That's something that I don't think can be done, period, on a PC. Not even at a LAN. You're not always in punching distance at a lan. Or want to be punching around drinks around your open tower. Anyway, my 2 cents.

That post gave me a warm feeling inside. That is probably the only reason I stick with console gaming. The laugh out loud moments that you would never laugh at unless you are all playing in the same small area.
Aye :)

imo GE s the greatest shooter to appear on any format, ever.

Absolutely nothing could touch it at the time (not even the mighty HL), and nothing has had such an impact, or offered as much entertainment, since (Perfect Dark being the only possible contender imo)

Golden Eye: Source could be fun, if only to run about the maps again. It'll never touch the original though.

(Roll on pd0 \o/)
Reginald said:
That post gave me a warm feeling inside. That is probably the only reason I stick with console gaming. The laugh out loud moments that you would never laugh at unless you are all playing in the same small area.

Yeah. That's the reason that I loved Halo so much. Me and my friends would have 8 man CTF matches crammed in a small room, food flying everywhere when the random sniper shot got someone. We had so many great times. That's what console games should focus on, not micro-payment download son XBL.
Adidajs said:
I tried googling "winnar" to no avail. Sometimes I really despise intentional misspelling of words i.e. netspeak.

boo hoo!
I remember playing this and I can honestly say its one of the hardest & best games I have ever played on a console. I remember that inorder to get invincibility, you have to complete Facility on 00 Agent in like 1m 15secs. That was tough, but i got it! Quality game, might check out the goldeneye source, but it probably won't beat the original.
duffers20 said:
I remember playing this and I can honestly say its one of the hardest & best games I have ever played on a console. I remember that inorder to get invincibility, you have to complete Facility on 00 Agent in like 1m 15secs. That was tough, but i got it! Quality game, might check out the goldeneye source, but it probably won't beat the original.
2:05 if memory serves me correctly. :D

Aye, this is definetly my favourite game of all time. Reading the posts about MP is classic, brings back good memories.