wip: ao_mill [map for Agent Online mod]


Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
This map is for Agent Online mod. I have only just begun but I will try to do regular updates!

Here are some screenshots [Remember I have just done the general layout]:

Birds eye view:

Chimney view 1:

Chimney view 2:

One view of a hill + chimney:

Random view of inside (empty :D) :

Hill view:

All these screenshots are taken in hammer but thats only because I have no light in it yet and its at a very early stage!

So please wait until I get further into the map and then I'll release in-game screenshots!



[You can view the mod topics at www.halfwit-2.com and then visit forums]

Why post this? Nothing outstanding at all.
Its a wip. I havn't even started on it properly. Just showing layout. Calm down. :eek:
Well, an overview would be more helpful to show the layout! ^^
you need to do more work on the maps before you show them
Ok I'm sorry. Don't worry I will once I fit in lights and add mroe too it. You're right, I showed it too early. Wait afew days and Ill update screenshots. Thanks for telling me! I'm too stupid to work it out my self :(
wildchild730 said:

I hope you get around to changing some textures in that room :/

Looks uglleh in there with just 1 texture

What? lol No!

Thats just a box which will eventually turn into a mill. Read my post. I just said the layout. I havn't even started on the inside. Touching up the outside first!
Then I will do 4 floors, about 7 to 10 rooms on each floor. Its a English 19th century mill. A cotton spinning/weaving mill!
giant384 said:
its basically the skeliton of the map

This guys a genius. He understands what I mean. Once I find these leask and do abit more to the map it will be ready to test and screenshot!
This thread still seems largely pointless. Just post your work when it is near completion...
PsychoFreak said:
This thread still seems largely pointless. Just post your work when it is near completion...

Yeh, I agree, the other one was good but I don't think this is impressive, even for WIP, I have no idea what you are capable of from that.

The problem with posting your work too early is if you create a poor image early on, no one will bother looking again afterwards.
Don't be upset by it. Everyone's maps look crap when they begin them. Once you start detailing them the picture becomes clear as to how good a mapper you are.