

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
These cople of pics of a head are gunna be part of a character i have designed, and well just finished the head off and just wanted to see what people thought of the colour scheam, its ment to look really old and dryed out. They guy is pritty much dead and is going to be build into a robot :)

Head / Hair
Stormy said:
These cople of pics of a head are gunna be part of a character i have designed, and well just finished the head off and just wanted to see what people thought of the colour scheam, its ment to look really old and dryed out. They guy is pritty much dead and is going to be build into a robot :)

Head / Hair
You know what I would do. I'd use a basic head model to get the perspective correct


then use it as a guide.
Yeah the perspective is a little bit off, his cranium looks absoultely massive lol :P

Good start though
I like it. Kind of wierd but it still looks good. Also The Dark Elf just because you are a better artist than everyone else does not mean you can critisize :laugh: . He is probably not going for a human look anyway. "built into a robot"
DrDevin said:
I like it. Kind of wierd but it still looks good. Also The Dark Elf just because you are a better artist than everyone else does not mean you can critisize :laugh: . He is probably not going for a human look anyway. "built into a robot"
I was simply pointing out a useful technique he could use to improve it.
DrDevin said:
I like it. Kind of wierd but it still looks good. Also The Dark Elf just because you are a better artist than everyone else does not mean you can critisize :laugh: . He is probably not going for a human look anyway. "built into a robot"

Abit of a random comment :S

I know its abit off but i didnt really have any decent pics to get the pespective right from :(. But i did want it to look abit sort of abstract, i think it will add to the atmosphere of the pic once its finished.

I dunno if i should post a screen of the whole drawing, dunno if i should save it to show later.
Here is a little update of my painting that i been doing, I has been taking ages to get done but i havnt really spent to much time on it. Really going to try and get it out of the way so i can start on some other stuff.
Just finished off me robot dude and im quite pleased with it my self, it looks abit to clean, alot cleaner then i was aiming for but i still quite like it non the less.

Robot Dude