Wire managment


Nov 9, 2003
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OK LADIES!!! here goes, wire managment is something that pisses me off, my room is always clean and neat, i dont know why i have a problem with entropy, it seems entropy does not apply to me,

and for you dumbasses who dont know what entropy means, it means that the ultimate end of all things is chaos, the best example is just take a look at your brand new desk, eventualy, papers come about, it gets dents, shit falls apart, blabalblablabla you get the point.

so back to the wire problem, i have found nice silver/chrome round cables for the ide and the floppy, but what i have not found are cables for the power wires. take a look


now that is somethign that will give me a heart attack. someone pelase help me get rid of this FAN and Power wire problem, is there a way to solve this, i know vaguely about sleeves?? im not shure, i need someone to elaborate with pictures and a detailed explanation. i want my case to be clean and neat, what about u guys?
You could use any of the wire management at SVC. Although I just used wire loom because it's cheap and was the effect I was looking for. There is a slit down the side to pop the cable in and I just used heat shrink tubing for the ends of the cable/wire loom.
my link is a blown up picture of the first link u have

=\ okayyyyyyy?? dude, did i miss something??
I don't know bud.
But your link is a big SVC picture.
lol dude that drawing u did is insane!!

i like that idea, 1 intake in front of hd, 1 intake on vga, 1 intake to cpu (side), top is exhost, back is exhost, power supply is exhost,

nice nice man.
Just paint that clear case, and your wire tangles will disappear from view!