Wired new reviews HalfLife2 AND Steam

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Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Posted on Wired News this morning is a review of HalfLife 2 (finally), and a review of Steam itself. To read the HalfLife2 review, go to here http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,65755,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2.

They basically said that HalfLife 2 is beautiful and amazing, but does not push the genre forward as much as HalfLife1 did -- although they DID say it should definitely be game of the year, just because it does so many things so well, instead of focusing on one aspect of gameplay.

They also reviewed the Steam method of game distribution (to read the story, go to here http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,65758,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_3).

The reviewer was very positive about Steam, and the changes that it should bring to game distribution in general. Here is some of what the reviewer had to say.

Beyond that, my bottom line is that Steam is huge -- much better than other digital game-distribution efforts such as that of Yahoo's Games on Demand, where downloading is cumbersome and the games are old. My hope is that other gamers will clamor for more developers and publishers to get on the Steam train -- and that the days of buying PC games in stores are numbered.

Overall, they are both a nice read, and it was nice to see Steam reviewed as well.
I think Wired is pretty retarded for giving HL2 the Vaporware award in 2003. They apparently think that a long development time is the same thing as non-existent. Or maybe they think that a single delay automatically means that the game doesn't really exist. Morons.
UKchaos2 said:
Best pun ever :D
Gah!! I completely missed this one (and I am a big fan of puns :E ). I guess my coffee has not kicked in yet...
this is the oldest thread. thought I'd just bring it to the top of the list for no reason. Bye.
Jesus. Random people reviving random threads...

It is pretty cool though. I don't see what people expected from Half-Life 2 as far as innovation goes, they weren't promising it or anything, just amazing gameplay with awesome graphics, physics, sound, etc.
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