Wireless Network bad for online gaming?


Aug 7, 2004
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Alright so it seems I'm getting a wireless router and adapters for my new DSL connection (not my choice).

I'm getting the DSL "Extreme" Package which is 3Mbps down/ 384 Kbps up. The wireless router and my computer and Xbox (getting Xbox Live) are no more than about 6 feet away ( from the router) with no walls or anything that could interfere with the signal at all. It's basically just thin air straight to the wireless adapters. I don't know the brand or model of the router, modem, or adapters because they are included in our DSL package by our ISP. I would guess that everything they're providing is standard. (My ISP is Bellsouth btw. Anyone have them and can comment on their equipment?)

Anyway, I have a few questions that I really can't seem to find an straight-up answer to.

- How different (in speed and stability) is a wireless connection over a wired connection?

- Will I lag a lot in online game? Do wireless connections cause bad ping spikes?

- Will a wireless connection affect my overall speed like downloading a file or web browsing and if so, how bad?

Technically I can go to a wired router setup but I'm hesitant to do this because:
1) I'd feel kind of stupid shelling out money (probably a good bit of money, yes?) for a wired router when I'm getting a wireless router for free.
2) To be honest, wireless seems very appealing to me because I wont have to look at or deal with ugly wires crossing my hardwood floor to get to my computer/Xbox. Sounds a bit crazy, but it really looks horrible in my office setup.

Basically I want to know if the freedom of wireless comes with severe penalties in other areas, in particular, online gaming and download speeds. (Key word being severe) What do you think?
the speed might change because they will prob. give u a g router (54mbs) transfer which normally the wired dsl is 100mbs and it would only slow down if u get inteference but since u dont have any walls in the way it shouldnt be a problem so
You won't notice a difference (from a wired router). There may be a slight increase in latency on the order of milliseconds. Absolutely no effect on throughput.
Do it right and wireless is great. I love the wireless capability of my laptop, I don't recognize any difference when downloading music, browsing or even playing c-s. Unless you got lead walls in your house then wireless should be fine. Just beware of EMI devices (Electro Magnetic Interference) like cordless phones, anything over 900 mhz can **** up the wireless signal. I've seen microwaves, fridges, and even chainsaws cause EMI, as to why some guy had a chainsaw running in hise house...don't ask.
psyno said:
You won't notice a difference (from a wired router). There may be a slight increase in latency on the order of milliseconds. Absolutely no effect on throughput.

And "a slight increase in latency on the order of milliseconds" is not a big thing right? I mean, lets say I have a 100 ping on a server with a wired Ethernet connection. What do you think my ping would be on the same exact server, with all things the same except that I'm on a wireless connection?

And yes, if you can't tell by now, I'm pretty much a complete idiot and new guy at networking and such.
Well, to give you a sense:
My average ping to the neighbor's wireless router is 2 milliseconds. I actually have no idea where that router is, except to say that it's out the window, through a nice leafy tree, and probably through at least one of my neighbor's walls. If you were to assume that a wired connection had absolutely no latency, then the maximum would be an average increase of 2 milliseconds over a wired router. Of course, wired routers do add latency, and that difference is probably less than the difference between brands/models anyway.

Btw, ping is measured in milliseconds (just in case ;)).