Wisdom Teeth FTL

Jun 21, 2003
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I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. My cheeks are swollen like a balloon and my head hurts a lot.
I just had a tooth removed. I'm drooling blood all over my self. It's kind of kinky.
I had mine removed a few years back too. The pain medication is your friend. It works great and I never had any pain or dry socket later on or anything! You do have to use the syringe to wash out the sockets after food, but its a small price ot pay! Enjoy!
Is it too late to get in on said high-fiving?
I never had a cavity, and: NO WISDOM TEETH FTW!!!

Yep, in fact, I don't have any. Runs in the family.

A while ago the dentist said I may have to get mine removed...
But I don't necessarily have to...
And It's better to get them out before they actually become a problem (they may affect my bite or something if they grow out)
But they might not really be a problem...
Get them out now even if they wont necessarily become a problem?
Or forget about it unless they do become a problem?
*high fives JNightshade*

*high fives TCfromBN*

*high fives Dalamari*
I only have bottom wisdom teeth. The orthodontist said they are perfectly fine and will never have to be removed. I didn't even know I had wisdom teeth. I just thought they were taking a REALLY long time to come in.
Mine are in my mouth still, and when they are comming in every couple months...the next 2 weeks ARE HELL!
My wisdom teeth have effectively crowded my lower teeth, making them all crooked!
