

Don't toke Sour Diesel
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
:) Well, Christmas is nearing, post your wishlist and maybe the Fat Jolly ol' man might get you something you've wanted.

For now I just want a new PC FX-55 based you know the good stuff. Changes and additions may apply.
i have everything i could possibly want. food, a warm home, a warm bed, a loving family, a job, good grades, good liquor, and good friends. all i really want is a second serving of everything....

...or a helicopter.
My Wishlist:

Half-Life 2 (I haven't gotten it yet...)
Aquarium water test-kit (hey, don't laugh at me!)
and.... A Big Fat College Acceptance Letter... or maybe two... or five... five would be nice, but I'm getting a bit greedy there... but two is reasonable :D
dfc05 said:
My Wishlist:

Half-Life 2 (I haven't gotten it yet...)

u should be banned for not having gotten it yet :p

my wishlist? its pretty long...hmm..
maybe i'll share it closer to X-mas ;)
I haven't got hl2 yet ether..... :|

(Comp sucks to much to play it.)
a theme song, a new graphics card, a girlfriend(yeah, like that'll happen ;)), a nice high bridge to jump from.
CyberSh33p said:
a nice high bridge to jump from.
Don't do it Sh33py, don't do it!!!111 ;(

Dude, a theme song! I wish I had one. That'd be the coolest thing in the world.
-Some money for DVDs or .... you know... a coupon with which you can get DVDs... :D
-The usual atmosphere, good food etc.
-Snow! (no coke, real snow)
-That certain girl... :D
Nothing i will skip christmas this year...dont care about it anymore..