"With Friends Like These", help me with

bbson john

Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
I have accomplished almost all of the achievements in Team Fortress 2, leaving "With Friends Like These" achievement unattended. This achievement requires a player to play with 7 people on his friend list for a full round. I know that it doesn't affect the gameplay much if I didn't finish all achievements, but I feel uncomfortable, kinda OCD, if I left an achievement unfinished.

Would anyone please help me with this achievement? We can schedule a game in this thread. We will join the same server and add each other into friend list, then have several rounds. I am living in Hong Kong whereas the time here is +8 hours compared to London. My free time will be mostly from 9.00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. London time. With all these information, can anyone of you help me, perhaps as well as help yourself, with this achievement?
I'd help but obviously we need more than 2 people...

When more are willing to help you should set a designated time, that way people will know exactly when they are needed.
Great, thanks. People who wish to get the achievement or those who'd like to help others getting the achievement can post in this thread. Thanks all the help in advance.
It's difficult to get that many people together, you should go to the HL2.net Steam chat room more frequently to pick people up to join with you, so you can invite them to your game (and get more friends)
I must admit that I got that Achievement by joining an always-full server and spamming Friends requests.
I'll try to help you as well. I got mine at the Hl2 new years eve bash. It was awesome
I think I'll pick up more people this week. We may have a game the coming Sunday or next week.