Woman gets acid thrown into her face...

Feb 4, 2008
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And she was the one who did it. Bethany Storro, for whatever stupid reason, rubbed acid on her face, causing sever burns and tissue loss. She originally claimed that a black woman walked up to her and said "Hey pretty girl, do you want to drink this?" and then threw a cup of acid in her face. But when police went over her story, they found many inconsistencies, and she ultimately admitted that she did it to her self.




whats worse is that when this story got nation wide attention, some douche bag got inspired and actually did throw acid in a woman's face. Although it doesn't seem that Derri Velarde was terribly disfigured from the incident, she will always have to deal with the scars.




Why are people this stupid?
I'd be best right now if she threw herself into a moving train.
I remember Bjork(n, or whatever the ****) had a stalker who planned to send her a book rigged to throw acid outwards in her face's general direction upon opening, 'cause she married a black guy.

He then killed himself once he had sent the book.
and why she did that? besides fame and glory?
and why she did that? besides fame and glory?

She's an idiot and was more interested in the attention she would be getting than the consequences of her decision.
I think it's worth mentioning that the made-up assailant was black.
Italian-american would've been more plausible.