Woman lays the smackdown on the pope


Aug 24, 2008
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A woman jumped the barriers and knocked down the pope as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass, a Vatican spokesman said.


She also knocked down Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, who was taken to hospital for a checkup, Benedettini said.

To the hospital? For being knocked over? The ****?
To the hospital? For being knocked over? The ****?

it was a old man,old people are more fragile thats why they move so funny

if you want got to the street and knock over old people to see hoe fragile they are

*knocks over a 80's something man*"hey is true they are more fragile! look at the blood coming out,he dont seem to be moving!"
But he is the pope, don't they have magical powers or something?
Like they say, you gotta crack a few Popes if you wanna make a......
Apparantly she has tried this earlier but failed. The guards caught her a few meters before she reached him. I think the whole thing is a bet she needs to win with her friends lol. Or its some kind of a pope fetish.
I would have become a Catholic if he would have busted out some Matrix shit.
Apparantly she has tried this earlier but failed. The guards caught her a few meters before she reached him. I think the whole thing is a bet she needs to win with her friends lol. Or its some kind of a pope fetish.

Yeh, that was last year. Good thing they kept an eye on her this time. :LOL:
Dude that would be ****ing awesome if he had pulled some Neo dropkick shit.
she cleared that barricade like a pro, if that guard hadn't gotten her things would be very weird...