Woman married to Berlin Wall


Staff member
Feb 1, 2008
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Eija-Riitta tied the knot with the 47-year-old Soviet-built cold war icon in 1979, which was designed to separate East and West Germany, but after it fell her eyes wandered to a garden fence.

Eija, who at 54-years-old is a bit of a cradle-snatcher, admitted once fancying the Great Wall of China but said: "The Great Wall is attractive but he's too thick. My husband is sexier."

And here I was thinking the guy who had sex with cars was weird...
Every time people lean against walls, they are allowing themselves to be felt up.
How do you marry the Berlin Wall....
We see crazies and weirdos all the time on the internet.... but someone who LIKES the Berlin wall??!?! THAT'S insane......


She's not the only person to suffer from Objectum-Sexual. A 43-year-old British woman who is registered as having the condition claims to be currently dating a stereo named Jake.
Threesome??? :naughty:
"The Great Wall is attractive but he's too thick. My husband is sexier."

HAHAHAHA, the sexual innuendos are magnificent.

I like internet.
Oh yeah, she was on the program with Filip & Fredrik a few years back, ermm... some swedish person help me out, was it "Skandinaviens sk?naste personer" or something like that?
Not even a wall can stand in the way of love.

I don't have to f*cking entertain you people.
She must feel appreciated.

He's always hard for her.
not going to last, it's not like it's set in stone or anything
Maybe he will give her a huge rock for a wedding ring.

I bet he's going to rock her world on their honeymoon. She should get a rock band to play at the reception.
her husband is really cold, almost like he had a heart of stone
yeah, but she doesn't care about that apparently.

Their son will probably be a chip off the old block.

when I first read this story, I shat bricks. But, I guess I've come to understand. I'm sure their love will stand the test of time. She probably just likes it rock hard.
The emotional aspect of the relationship is where it's really going to fail. There will just be this barrier between them.

As for my opinion on the morals of it, I'm on the fence.