Woman saved when bra stops bullet

Nat Turner

Sep 28, 2005
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A woman has told how her life was saved when a bullet bounced off her bra.

Helen Kelly, 25, was hit as shots were fired after last November's Urban Music Awards in Barbican, central London, in what police said was a gang feud.

She told BBC News the underwire on her bra deflected a bullet away from her chest and into her right breast.

Linton Ambursley, 28, from Lewisham, south-east London, was jailed for 12 years on Friday at the Old Bailey after admitting wounding with intent.

The court heard how the Ghetto Boys from Peckham and rivals from Bermondsey, both in south-east London, fired 18 shots as people left the awards ceremony.

Linton Ambursley (l) and Tyrone Hadley
Linton Ambursley and Tyrone Hadley were jailed for the shooting

Ms Kelly was hit as she and a friend ran for safety.

"I heard some bangs but I didn't think it was gun fire," she said.

"I started running. Then I looked down and saw blood on my stomach and it was only then I realised I had been shot.

"I'm still not sure how it happened, but the underwire on my bra snapped when the bullet hit it and I think it did stop it going any further."

Det Sgt John Osibote, from the City of London Police, said: "There was absolute pandemonium.

"Members of the public were caught in the cross-fire of two gangs who had the audacity to open fire in the centre of London."

Tyrone Headley, 28, from New Cross, south-east London, was jailed for two years at the Old Bailey on Friday for assisting an offender.

Ms Kelly, an accountant originally from Tyneside, was the only casualty.

Very lucky.
Damn, now they have another reason to wear bras >=(

topless ftw \0/
Aww, she has a bullet in her boob :(
Yay! Lewisham! I'm not from there (a few train stops away :p), but it's widely acknowledged as a shithole.
Real lucky though. Reminds me of something I saw on tele, apparently some Israeli politician (or something) was shot in the face from close range with a pistol in an assassination attempt, but his teeth took a lot of the force and deflected the bullet. :O
JiMmEh said:
Yay! Lewisham! I'm not from there (a few train stops away :p), but it's widely acknowledged as a shithole.
Real lucky though. Reminds me of something I saw on tele, apparently some Israeli politician (or something) was shot in the face from close range with a pistol in an assassination attempt, but his teeth took a lot of the force and deflected the bullet. :O
That was an American soldier...
Bobcat said:
That was an American soldier...

Well, chances are there's more than one recorded case of something like that happening.
Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, its Wonder bra
the underwire on her bra deflected a bullet away from her chest and into her right breast.
So sad when porn stars have to retire ;(
*Pictures some woman with HUGE boobs standing in front of a machinegun deflecting all the bullets*
"We're all living in Amerika
Amerika ist wunderbar"
Why spend so much money on Kevlar? Just make bullet-proof vests out of bra wire!
fricken women become the new army, cant get killed, take all the bullets...that or blokes wear bras :s
Is it just me or does the responses in this thread create an urge to kill?
It's you.

Because I don't know why you would want to get an urge to kill.

EDIT : Just look at my cute avatar that is the result of a brainless fad!
Best brainless fad:

Fliko said:
I'm jealous.
I'm hot for her bullet filled breast.

PS Jeff Goldblum IS indeed watching you poop...

trust me.. D:
Lucky her...

what kind of gang calls themselves the "Ghetto Boys"....
haha i thought it was a rather well thought out name, these things take time. Great story though, i'll refrain from making any cheesy jokes as every single other poster has!
<RJMC> said:
omg she is fortune!
Kerching! YES SHE IS RJMC, Yes she is :) *pats RJ on his head*
Hectic Glenn said:
haha i thought it was a rather well thought out name, these things take time. Great story though, i'll refrain from making any cheesy jokes as every single other poster has!

Kerching! YES SHE IS RJMC, Yes she is :) *pats RJ on his head*


btw anyone her played mgs2?sure if someone played someone will now why I say she was fortune
Hectic Glenn said:
Great story though, i'll refrain from making any cheesy jokes as every single other poster has!

Breast! D'you get it? Cos it said breast! Pffffffff...