Woman SHOCKED after it's revealed her long time boyfriend was actually woman


May 5, 2004
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A single mother has told of her torment after discovering how her long-time lover tricked her into believing he was a man when in fact she was a woman.

Nicole Lindsay was shocked to learn the 'boyfriend' she hoped to marry was a lesbian sex offender called Samantha Brooks.

'The thought of how Lee deceived me and my whole family has given me nightmares and made me feel sick.'

Nicole described her relationship with Brooks who used modified a wooden toilet roll holder in their sexual relationship.


now lesbian sex offenders get more ass than me
I guess it would indeed be pretty traumatizing after all those years taking care of his morning wood.
This is a terribly written article
Nicole described her relationship with Brooks who used modified a wooden toilet roll holder in their sexual relationship.
well to be fair it IS the Daily mail. it's like foxnews for dummies ..oh wait. it's like foxnews for dumberer dummies
This is the most amusing part though
?"They began a long-distance relationship staying weekends at each other's homes before breaking up in 2007. Later that year, Brooks wrote saying she was in prison for beating up a paedophile.
Nicole admitted: ' I didn't think too badly of him [Samantha]. I can understand the provocation.'
But unknown to her Brooks had been jailed for 18 months at Isleworth Crown Court of sexual offences against a girl of 14 and put on a sex offenders' register for 10 years."

u be dum
She must have had one seriously impressive clitoris.
How could she not know? Seriously? How could she not know? I mean had she never seen an actual penis before?
the only logical explanation is that the one being conned was drunk everytime they had sex....or massively stoned or passed the **** out
I don't always read articles.

But when I do, I make sure to not comprehend them.
I don't...toilet roll holder....how the..f..
Yeah it probably wasn't actually holding any toilet rolls.
well to be fair it IS the Daily mail. it's like foxnews for dummies ..oh wait. it's like foxnews for dumberer dummies
I think you're under-estimating how balls-out retarded Fox news is. I'd say they're practically on equal footing.

I'm just trying to fathom how she couldn't have noticed the obviously fake penis stuff. Very weird.
That feeling you get when all the blood rushes to your modified toilet roll holder and you ejaculate out of your modified toilet roll holder.
I simply don't understand how anything like this can happen. The women would have to be a total idiot to never notice the fact she wasn't dealing with an actual penis.

Really the reason I came in to this thread is I assumed that the women got a sex change and was now a man. I always wondered how that actually worked and hoped this would provide some insight.
I simply don't understand how anything like this can happen. The women would have to be a total idiot to never notice the fact she wasn't dealing with an actual penis.

Really the reason I came in to this thread is I assumed that the women got a sex change and was now a man. I always wondered how that actually worked and hoped this would provide some insight.
The person in this article is a Female to Male transsexual. Frankly, it's ****ing disgusting that a newspaper (yes, even the Daily Mail), can run an article effectively refuting this, regardless of whether this bile is being spouted at a registered sex offender (I mean seriously, what tick box of knee jerk rage does FtM 'Lesbian' child sex offender not tick for the Daily Mail? Oh, Immigrant).

This 'fake' man who 'fooled' a woman has had a freaking Mastectomy. That's all a woman can do to become a man (Protip: modified toilet roll holder is probably a viable alternative to an expensive prosthetic that has all the functionality and feeling of a bicycle pump. Hey, why not just use a bicycle pump?).

Not disclosing your past to a person you've entered into a relationship with is pretty shocking behaviour. But using a person's crimes to excuse outright denying their assumed identity in a national newspaper that flings all sorts of shit to see what sticks? That's not particularly classy either.
As soon as I saw the words Daily Mail, I wasn't shocked by any of what was written in there. Typical butt paper news, really.