wonder how much pepsi payed to be in hl2

Here's a thought- who cares. So VALVe gets paid to have a Pepsi machine.. and you see a real world object in a game. Oh no!!! =|
It IS the choice of a new generation, apparently.
yea i wonder if crystal pepsi ever made a comeback
but... that was genereation x... I guess they went through 26 generations BEFORE hl2 ;)
Originally posted by scurvy
um heres a though.. stfu?
um "heres" a "though"... leave the boards. You are an idiot and this community is better off without you.
its so easy to tell pepsi from coke. Coke is a lot better, and its always fun to pick coke in those pepsi challenge booths.

looks like pepsi wins the cola wars in HL2.

cant wait to smash it open
heres a THOUGHT.. i'm tired and everyone on this board is fairly fruity. so lets think about pepsi and valve and their awesome relationship, hopefully gordon and alyx can stop in their adventures in hl2 and share a pepsi.
vanthem is a cool dude and needs to help cull the herd
Give me an oak bat and a highly populated area, and I'll work wonders.
Half-Life 2 brought to you by Pepsi.

buy a 12 pack and get a free copy of HL2.

(proof of purchase required)
4port your the one that should leave. ****ing asshole. the guy makes a thread thats in no way agressive so immediatly you attack him. your the asshole that should leave.
Hey zdub: maybe if more people were more aggressive there would be less idiots like you around here and MY community would be less moronic.
Your community?...Idiots you say?

LMAO thanx for proving my point you tool. Go away or STFU
Whoa, whoa... let's stop fighting and get back to the topic at hand:

Crystal Gravy.
4port was fine with what he said. What was the point of this thread? If Scurvy had been joking about the Pepsi in HL2 thing, then he would've made some actual joke rather than posting a link to a screenshot and naming the thread as he did.

So one would conclude that his goal was designed at propagating the idea that VALVe's somehow "sold out" because there's a Pepsi machine.. That's stupid and hey.. if you post, you're going to receive replies.
Originally posted by zdub
Your community?...Idiots you say?

LMAO thanx for proving my point you tool. Go away or STFU

Go whine about how much valve sucks and how they betrayed you and how ATI and/or nvidia hired hackers and how vivendi is part of a conspiracy with id or some other bullshit that is posted on this forum everyday.
you cant say that either way. his title can be taken either way. and as a matter of fact pepsi would have paid to have it put in. or gotten something out of it. he was just pointing it out.
What a stupid thread. Oh yeah, Pepsi is garbage and so are the corporate suits behind the scenes.
Originally posted by zdub
you cant say that either way. his title can be taken either way. and as a matter of fact pepsi would have paid to have it put in. or gotten something out of it. he was just pointing it out.

Who cares? Answer: No one except you. Does a pepsi machine make or break a game?
Originally posted by 4port
Go whine about how much valve sucks and how they betrayed you and how ATI and/or nvidia hired hackers and how vivendi is part of a conspiracy with id or some other bullshit that is posted on this forum everyday.

considering its "your forum" i would assume that your the one thats caught up in all that bullshit...your attitude sure fits. least your good at trolling
Only little girls drink Coke. I think that's the real issue here. ;]
question is: how much did valve pay pepsi to let 'em put their logo in the game.

pepsi > valve
Originally posted by zdub
considering its "your forum" i would assume that your the one thats caught up in all that bullshit...your attitude sure fits. least your good at trolling

zdub: I only wish more people like me posted here.
Originally posted by 4port
Who cares? Answer: No one except you. Does a pepsi machine make or break a game?

did i say that...lol why would i care? im not argueing that im laughing and pointing out how much of an asshole you are...but you seem to be doing a fine job by yourself.

bye now
Originally posted by zdub
did i say that...lol why would i care? im not argueing that im laughing and pointing out how much of an asshole you are...but you seem to be doing a fine job by yourself.

bye now

Hell yes I am an asshole. The sooner you recognize that the sooner you can go about leaving.
i think alyx wears abercrombie also. that duct tape is their new vintage ****ed up look
The sooner you recognize that the sooner you can go about leaving.
Door's right over there.. < points >

Hey, you might be on to something there, Scurvy. It's so shabby sheik.
Look everyone the reason the world is so messed up in the future is because Pepsi is the choice for the combine. or maybe.....pepsi is secretly the combine OMG HAXX!!!!111