Words that mean one thing in one country and mean something else in another


May 20, 2003
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Like the words Bloody, booger, smeg head. :naughty:

As far as I know Bloody and booger arnt words of profanity here in america but they are profanity elcewhere.

Can some one from England/Europe tell me what they mean? I mean if you cant tell me in PG language I dont think I should know.
So thats what they mean?
If I offened you Tredoslop im sorry Ive been wondering what they mean for a long time.
I like the word "fanny" because to us (Americans) it is a harmless name for your buttocks, but in England it is an impolite sexual slang word for vagina.
Anyways...at school...I can't say some words that are not offensive in other places.
That sucks. Good ol' drumming teacher, he let's us swear!

OCybrManO...are you serious?:LOL:
Do you want me to correct the spellings in the thread title?

"bloody" is just a nicer way of saying fcuking all the time:

Instead of "And I got to the ****ing shop and they had run out of ****ing eggs!"
it'd be: "And I got to the bloody shop and they had run out of bloody eggs!"

"Booger" isn't used over here. In America you use that to refer to what you find when you pick your nose. "Bugger" how ever is a) an expression of being displeased (like shit or ****) and b) a reference to sex, normally gay sex.

"Smeg head" came about from a sci-fi cult comedy over here called Red Dwarf. When they piloted it they didn't want it to have some obscure time slot because it had inappropriate words in, so instead they invented one to insure that it was suitable for prime time.
Tredoslop said:
Anyways...at school...I can't say some words that are not offensive in other places.
That sucks. Good ol' drumming teacher, he let's us swear!

OCybrManO...are you serious?:LOL:
That's true.
Tredoslop said:
Anyways...at school...I can't say some words that are not offensive in other places.
That sucks. Good ol' drumming teacher, he let's us swear!

OCybrManO...are you serious?:LOL:

It's true - and not only in England, but Australia too.
I might be wrong but I think in australia if you say bum it means @$$. Im american a bum is someone that doesnt work and mooches off other people.
thenerdguy said:
I might be wrong but I think in australia if you say bum it means @$$. Im american a bum is someone that doesnt work and mooches off other people.
Same in England. We teach our kids the word "bum" instead of arse :D

Now when you say holidays you're talking about the Christmas period. However in England we don't take vacations, instead we go on holidays. So if an English person says they're going to Spain on holiday for two weeks, they don't mean they're going to spend Christmas out there, it probably means they're going in the middle of July!
So, someone could say, "Do you want to blood with me?" and have it mean , " Do you want to fcuk with me?"
bloody isn't really a swearword as far as i'm concerned. it's generally seen as a 'polite' way to vent frustration or surprise. much as kids nowadays say "damn man that's f*ckin horrible"...someone over here might say "bloody hell that's horrible". or something.

booger? that's the green stuff that comes out your nose. unless you mean 'bugger', which is a term to describe someone who takes part in 'buggery'. (you can imagine giggles in the classroom when we first heard our teacher explain to us what a debugger does...). anyway, bugger isn't something that's said too often. often used as an alternative to 'shit', when something has gone wrong, ie. "oh bugger".

smeg head :) that one is made up :) Red Dwarf (hilarious comedy series) needed some sort of swear word, but since they were before the watershed they couldn't use the obvious ones. so they made up 'smeg'. dunno what it means actually, but i guess you can use it pretty much anywhere, ie. "smegging hell", "smeg off", "smeg head". smeg head is much like 'feck', which was used in the Father Ted series to great effect. it's still dangerously close to 'f*ck' but it gets by.

Neil Kinnock after botching up his lines in an interview: "oh bloody buggering blasted fireballs of hell" ;)

EDIT: damn, Chris_D beat me to it...
Tredoslop said:
So, someone could say, "Do you want to blood with me?" and have it mean , " Do you want to fcuk with me?"
It doesn't work quite like that. Bloody doesn't have the same meaning as fcuking, they're just alternate ways of saying the same thing.
Pippi in swedish means bird, in africa it means piss .. my parents found that out the embarassing way when they were there long before I was born. :D
thenerdguy said:
I might be wrong but I think in australia if you say bum it means @$$. Im american a bum is someone that doesnt work and mooches off other people.

Well, in Australia 'bum' has two meanings - the two you have described above.

Bum is a polite way of saying arse. A bum is a bludger (American meaning of bum).

Bloody cannot be shortened. It just is. It also is not very offensive (except to my grandmother).
In traditional/simplified Mandarin, if you say the word for ,"That thing", it comes out like ,"Nigga".:O
Sweethart in the philippians means hooker. My parents found that out the hard way. :)

Keep'emn comming my GF is reading over my shoulder and laughing her head off. :) Just dont say anything about cats. (O Crap I just did)
Speaking of bums.

Instead of using bum in that context here, instead we use tramp to describe that kind of person. Americans would normally use that to describe some trashy, slutty woman.
CrazyHarij said:
Pippi in swedish means bird, in africa it means piss .. my parents found that out the embarassing way when they were there long before I was born. :D

How is that pronounced? Is it pip-ee or pee-pee?

If it is pip-ee then in Australia that refers to a small mollusc that lives in the sand on the beach. Like a scallop, except both shells are symmetrical.
Tredoslop said:
In traditional/simplified Mandarin, if you say the word for ,"That thing", it comes out like ,"Nigga".:O

Actually it sounds more like "negga"

In Scotland the word "wee" refers to little.

In England we use the word "wee" as a polite way of saying piss.
Pogrom said:
Actually it sounds more like "negga"

Actually, due to some accents, it comes out like "nigga".
Well, kind of.
Saying wee is saying Yes in French.
But it's spelled Oui.
Ok, isnt "pissed" in england mean Drunk(intoxicated) in america? Pissed here means angry or ticked off
In Australia a 'snag' is a sausage.

We don't have forest, we have bush. (Sounds like a political statement :p )
Pauly said:
Ok, isnt "pissed" in england mean Drunk(intoxicated) in america? Pissed here means angry or ticked off

In Australia pissed means totally drunk. If we want to say angry then we say 'pissed off'.

In Mandarin Chinese, if you say "Haven't got" it sounds like 'mayo', which is what Aussies like to call mayonnaise.
toss is generally used in a negative context, ie. "he's a tosser" = he's a wanker/idiot. some people will say 'having a toss' which means that they're masturbating..

'pissed' varies on the context. "he is pissed" could mean that 'he is drunk' or 'he is angry'.

i've always wondered...are there any americans that use 'shag' in their everyday speech?
Yep, pissed in England means very drunk. Pissed in America means pissed off.

In England toss has a few meanings. First meaning is the normal one e.g. "I tossed the banana skin away". the second one used in the context "tossed off" usually means "be masturbated". the third is "I really don't give a toss" as in "I don't give a shit".
Shag in most cultures is a type of tobacco including ours which can be quite embarrassing if you go into a tobacconists and order some shag from a female shop owner, because over here it means to have sex.
Austin Powers: the spy who shagged me kinda obvious
That's a good point actually as well. "The Shag" was also once a popular dance.
well, the reason i asked...

me to american friend: "have you shagged her then?"
him: "excuse me?"

1. What's a pleb?

Oh, and fag means some gay kid here in Canada.
wanker mean masterbate I think

I heard in England that bashing means masterbating.

And in Ecuador milk in spanish means cool.
Wanker and tosser mean the same. They both are used to describe someone who masturbates.

A pleb is a) a small spot and b) a way to describe someone who's quite pathetic and geeky. I guess you Americans could use it in place of "dork".

Fags here are cigarettes. For you they're gays.
Chris_D said:
Wanker and tosser mean the same. They both are used to describe someone who masturbates.

A pleb is a) a small spot and b) a way to describe someone who's quite pathetic and geeky. I guess you Americans could use it in place of "dork".

Fags here are cigarettes. For you they're gays.
In the movie Ocean's Eleven, there is this guy who calls these guys a bunch of tossers!