Work Questions


Apr 17, 2004
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I need some help with my main Work Ed project for the term. I need some people who are currently working to answer the following questions. If you can't answer a certian question just leave unsure.

1. What position do you hold?
2. Who is your employer?
3. Approx. How many people work with you per day?
4. How long have you held your current job?
5. Is it Fulltime? Part-time? Casual? On call? Contract?
6. How did you get this job?
7. Did you have to get any particular training for this position?
8. What do you like about your job?
9. What don't you like about your job?
10. What benefits do you get with your job?
11. How many hours do you work each day?
12. How far do you travel to get to work (one way)?
13. Are you being paid the award rate (Minimum amount of $ per hour for position/age , Yes? No? Unsure?
14. How much holiday leave do you get each year?
15. Are they paid holidays?
16. How much sick leave are you entitled to each year?
17. Are you in a union?
18. Why/Why not?
19. What was you highest level of secondary education (ie Yr 12,13)?
20. Have you done any further education? If so what?
21. When you left school, what job/career did you want to have?
22. What was your first job?
23. Which country do you live in?

Phew thats all of them. I then have to compile the data together and report on everything.
1. Shop Assisstant
2. Superdrug Stores PLC
3. 4
4. Year and a month
5. part-time
6. Handed in CV
7. Yes, a training period
8. A few of my colleagues
9. managers
10. 10% discount
11. 4 a week contract
12. 2 miles
13. Yes - Just over minimum wage
14. 4 weeks
15. Yes
16. Unsure
17. No
18. Not a pernament job
19. Yr 13 so far?
20. Studying for a degree in Bsc Physical Geography
21. Environmental Consultant
22. Paper Boy
23. United Kingdom

I seriously need help with this. I can't see myself going around and interviewing people.