work/school tomorow on release day.


Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
MUHAHHA,I just called my boss and switched shifts,instead of 10-4,Im working
5-10 MUAHAHAHAH,now I can finish the game before I go to work.
anyone else changing shifts/skipping work or school?
nope but i get home early so ill have time to finish my hl2 game then go right into ep 1

nice work switching by the way haha
You're certainly a die-hard fan. Props!
i was scheduled to work tomarrow, but my boss asked me if it was okay i worked today instead of tomarow, obviously i said yes :)
Awwww crapes! I work 16-20, Ep1 being released 19:00:angry:
I skipped school when the first HL2 Came out, but I am on Half-term now so I can play it straight away!
I'm going to be working when it is released. Lucky for me that I work at home.
I am on break from School because I have finished my Standard Grade exams. :)