World Cup and Footb...ZZzzZZZzz


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Ok this whole World Cup is just so....boring and annoying.

Dont know about other countries, but England goes SO OVERBOARD.

The radio and music channels are POLLUTED with the worst 'footy' songs ever written, 24/7. Sure release 1 or 2, not 20 or 30!! YES support your country in the Cup, YES make some money through songs and misc sales etc etc, just dont fecking do it as much as you are!!

Youve probably figured im no football fan, tournament Paintball all the way baby, but i mean come on! Its too much! Face facts, we dont have a chance.

Anyone else just get frustrated when the World Cup comes? Its not that its football, its how over the top people go about it.
I'm not really a footie fan, but I enjoy the World Cup.
Yeah, I hate football, but enjoy the World Cup for some strange reason. Hardcore England supporters piss me off though. "We want our cup back, that they stole from us." Nobs.
Football is the 2nd best sport next to baseball (american football is just shit)
Dalamari said:
Football is the 2nd best sport next to baseball (american football is just shit)
Ahh an american which appreciates it. I have a soft spot for you Dalamari, as you are also a fan of Top Gear (and not of fifth gear...which is more like reverse :rolleyes:)
I'm a big football fan, and the coverage apart from the games is pretty excessive, but it IS the biggest global competition that is recognised by the masses. Which is a hell of a lot of people. Just enjoy the hype and enthusiasm, its once every 4 years, like nothing else. Even if England are poor (sadly), i'm really enjoying the games. Lighten up eh.
I stopped watching premiership football a few years ago, but I still watch the world/euro cups, even though Northern Ireland never qualify ;(
ĐynastҰ said:
Ok this whole World Cup is just so....boring and annoying.

Dont know about other countries, but England goes SO OVERBOARD.

The radio and music channels are POLLUTED with the worst 'footy' songs ever written, 24/7. Sure release 1 or 2, not 20 or 30!! YES support your country in the Cup, YES make some money through songs and misc sales etc etc, just dont fecking do it as much as you are!!

Youve probably figured im no football fan, tournament Paintball all the way baby, but i mean come on! Its too much! Face facts, we dont have a chance.

Anyone else just get frustrated when the World Cup comes? Its not that its football, its how over the top people go about it.

remember it'll be over soon enough. :(
Haha, its worse than Wimbledon sometimes...

I dont know how other countries support their teams...but bugger me, calm down England.
I wish my country was as enthusiastic about it. I'd rather see people excited about a sport that actually takes skill :|
Football is the national sport, let people have their fun, it's only every 4 years.
Right heres the thing I am a Scotsman living in Engurland ( uni then work etc) And night and ****ing day all I here is England this and that and how great they are. For people here that are not in the know England won the world cup ****ing 40 years ago and still go on about it!!!

And I hope to God (if he/shes is their) that they wont win it cos no-one and I mean no-one will hear the end of it.
Thankfully Engand are playing shite at the moment and I really want them to get further on in the competition so they can get pumped rotten by teams such as Argentina who destroyed Serbia & Montenegro today.
Now thats a game I would like to see.
But yes I do get the point that some people dislike this world cup but as Feath says let them have their fun.

From a disgruntled Scotsman
I'm an Englishman leaving in Scotland.

I have it worse than you, trust me.
lol Unlucky we dont really mean the things we say do we?

I have no problems with English people or any one else for that matter but when the media in this country goes mad for the world cup they think England are gonna win it 3 months before the damned thing starts.

Just a thought
im enjoying it and im not a big soccer/football fan

some of the close matches are really exciting (germany and poland for instance)
I'm only watching if because Australia are in and have won one. Once they get knocked out I doubt I'll even glance at any of it.
nutcrackr said:
I'm only watching if because Australia are in and have won one. Once they get knocked out I doubt I'll even glance at any of it.

Im onely intressted in hockey and different fighting avents. Like k1 UFC and Pride.

If someone says gay pride i'll rip your heart open and place it in the love thread.
Love the fitba, love the WC. And actually loving the BBC digital option to replace Motson with the Five Live crew.

Aye, I'm also a disgruntled Scotsman, not very happy about the coverage so far (England, England, England), but still enjoying it all nonetheless. :)
'Overboard' lol.

We are the mother of all football nationalism.