World Cup Winner?


Apr 15, 2006
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So the FIFA world cup is off to a spectacular start, and I'd say it's only going to get better. So if you had to put your money on someone, who would it be????

My support, as always, goes to England :p

Actually I'm torn between Germany and England ;(
Long live the english.
Though, I will be quite suprised if they win.
I would love the Socceroos to win obviously as I am Australian but I don't think they will. Brazil?
Brazil's the perennial powerhouse...

I'll guess Italy!

I haven't followed soccer since the last world cup, so I'm clueless on what newcomers that could impact the teams.
im suportting england but i think we will play germany in final and germany will win on the home ground since we did it in 1966
I'm supporting England obviously.
Jack, we beat Germany 5 - 1 on their home ground a few years back if you remember :p We could do it again if that match ever arises. :)
Incorrect, it is officially:


You wouldn't know they were in it...... I mean, the Germany Costa Rica half time analysis consisted of an interview with Peter Crouch! Bah.

Although Brazil be the favourites for me, I want to see how the Czechs and Croatia perform.

And I want to be the filling of a Gaby Logan/Kelly Dalgleish sandwich. Fact.
Brazil will win. If not, than Germany or Italy will have the title. I only hope The Netherlands will win... :(
Im going to say Brazil...

After yesterday Germany are in trouble especially if they keep up that shoddy offside trap, though in saying that you can't write them off.

Won't be England - rely too much on certain players (Terry, Rooney, Lampard). Not a great team in general...
mmmm Gaby Logan. She's like 40 years old, but that just means she's more experienced.
Since I am a Scotsman living in england I will support any team that plays engurland, cos if engurland win the world cup no-one will hear the end of it!!
Ren.182 said:
Jack, we beat Germany 5 - 1 on their home ground a few years back if you remember :p We could do it again if that match ever arises. :)

Especially as the current German team isn't very good - the weakest they've had in many years.

The England squad, however, is the strongest it's ever been imo. It's just a shame about the imjuries. I think we have a more than fair chance.

Brazil will probably win though :p
Antartica will win.

Just as the finals are being played, a massive chunk of ice breaks off, and sends a huge tsunami around the world, effecting the whole of Europe too!
Brazil will win.

I love how the british always think they will win. They wont.
This Brazilian sqaud is the strongest in a while, and that's saying a lot.
The English squad is also the strongest it's been too, although i don't think the English can hang with the Dutch or Brazil. Despite that, I'm really puiling the for Lampard, Gerrard et al.

I'm just hoping US advances into the next round.
Would be kinda boring to have Brazil win again.

Like with F1 "O Schumacher won again, amagawd what a surprise!" although I have no idea if Schumacher still wins that much, don't watch F1.

I hope for an underdog like how Greece won the European Cup.
England are such n00bs, struggling against newcomer Paraguay :LOL:

They're still my fav team tho. ;(
PvtRyan said:
Would be kinda boring to have Brazil win again.

Like with F1 "O Schumacher won again, amagawd what a surprise!" although I have no idea if Schumacher still wins that much, don't watch F1.

I hope for an underdog like how Greece won the European Cup.

Schumacher cheated at Monaco the other week, he stopped his car on a corner so it farter up other drives qualifying laps, lolz.

I don't think Brazil will win this time. I really think England have a good chance.
Are any of you actually watching the matches, England's attack is poor :(
I saw the last 25 minutes, England did not impress me at all. A few nice shots from Lampard but that was really all....
Yeah, we need Roony!

With Sweden only drawing against T&T it makes things slightly easier on us. We should have him back after the group stages.
99.vikram said:
Are any of you actually watching the matches, England's attack is poor :(
Well you haven't taken in consideration, so many factors which change that. Rooney's absence, a manager incapable of making decent subs, the heat etc. The ability they have is unquestionable, give it some time, england have a chance at victory, although i don't think they'll win :)

And you called Paraguay newcomers? They've been round years, always in the competitions, and therefore a good team. Remember Chalvert, and Santa Cruz. No walkover. Do the reading first.