World of Goo Free Soundtrack


Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
I wasn't going to post this because I didn't think people would care (especially considering how poorly my last WOG themed thread was received). Then I decided I didn't care if people didn't care, I'm posting it anyway.

World of Goo's Soundtrack has been released for free download here.
It features extended/original versions of the music found in WOG and is more than double the length of all the music found in the game, which makes for a nice "upgrade" if you've been listening to the games music files.
Awesome, loved the music in the game.
Cool of the devs to release it for free.
Aw, thanks so much for this. Legendary. World of Goo ****ing rocks.
Nice! The music in this game is excellent. I was sad when I beat WOG...
Finally. As soon as I finished the game I was hoping there would be a soundtrack somewhere. Now its here.