World of Goo - Out Now


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
I professed my undying love for this game in my previous news post about World of Goo coming to Steam. Well this is the time and the day when the game is now available on Steam for the princely sum of $20.[br]

The Steam version of the game comes with a bunch of lovely achievements, though if you pre-ordered the game then you can activate your copy on Steam using your Magic Key. For those who are wondering a Demo won't be released anytime in the immediate future, however the system requirements are found below:

  • Supported OS: Windows? XP or Vista
  • Processor: 1GHz or faster
  • Memory: 512+MB RAM
  • Video: Any 3D graphics accelerator less than 5 years old
  • DirectX? Version: 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 100MB

Remember that you can always buy it from the developer's themselves at the same price.
I was informed to consult you about being unconvinced by this game. I was mildly intruiged, but having watched the trailer, I no longer feel compelled to purchase it.
You should... It's incredible, beautiful, all sorts of adjectives... In short, it's brilliant, and well worth the price!
They possibly get more money.

Anyway, as someone who preordered it, I highly recommend it!
With Steam the game will sell far more copies than it would by straight word of mouth, so it's worth the cut Valve take. Plus I think they are fairly generous to indie developers. The Audio Surf guy went from 'living in a basement' to 'I can buy a house' pretty much overnight.

Anyhows 12 quid or whatever, bargain. Bought and downloading.
I was a skeptic at first, but I purchased the game and it was amazing. I love every second of it. I'm not nearly finished, but it's so good.
I love it. I love it love it love it. Get it.
Very quirky concept, but I enjoyed it and adapted to it quickly. I was charmed by the floating goo which opened the doors to allow a goo square to float to my pipe. I shall be going back for more :D
The only thing I'm disappointed with it is the fact that it's set at such a low resolution unless there is some way to change it. That's the only flaw I've seen thus far.

Thanks for showing you this amazing game. I love you Evo.

My pleasure Shammy =]

No resolution changes at the mo, 2D Boy said they -may- just may look at it. Play it windowed (alt+enter) is great though.
Bought and enjoying it. Love the accordian music that goes with it as well. :LOL:
Very quirky concept, but I enjoyed it and adapted to it quickly. I was charmed by the floating goo which opened the doors to allow a goo square to float to my pipe. I shall be going back for more :D

Wouldn't mind buying the game if I got it for free :|

I've bought it once, got it free twice and will probably buy it again :D :p

How the bloody hell did you get it free twice? Review copy, etc? I don't know.

Either way all I know is I have the most fun building my tower up to insane lengths in the Goo Corporation thing. It's amazing.
I'll get it in a Weekend Deal sometimes in the distant future.
How the bloody hell did you get it free twice? Review copy, etc? I don't know.

Either way all I know is I have the most fun building my tower up to insane lengths in the Goo Corporation thing. It's amazing.

Review copy from 2D Boy and a Steam copy ;)
From 2D Boy website. They are treating World of Goo as a mainstream game, including delays for the Europe distribution :(

World of Goo is scheduled to launch in Europe with an exclusive 6th chapter (the moon) in the first quarter of 2009. Both PC and Wii versions will be available as boxed retail games, and the PC version will be available online as well, through Steam and other digital distribution channels. If you want your goo now, you can get the North American version on our website.

So, no Steam until 2009, but it seems that you can still buy the game from 2D Boy website.
**** sake. I was going to buy this today. Now it has disappeared from Steam I don't think I'll bother. Simply can't be bothered installing it on several machines outside Steam.
This shit is hard as hell. :(
Stuck on the tower of goo level.

No matter how fast I go or which way I build it, it keeps toppling over. :frown:
This shit is hard as hell. :(
Stuck on the tower of goo level.

No matter how fast I go or which way I build it, it keeps toppling over. :frown:

I skipped that level tbh, I can reach it, but I won't have enough goo left to make the quota of 25 saved :(
This shit is hard as hell. :(
Stuck on the tower of goo level.

No matter how fast I go or which way I build it, it keeps toppling over. :frown:

**** sake. I was going to buy this today. Now it has disappeared from Steam I don't think I'll bother. Simply can't be bothered installing it on several machines outside Steam.

This and this.

I build my tower perfectly symmetrically and it still falls over.
The game's physics are incredibly wonky. :|

It's still kinda've fun but god damn it has me swearing more than anything else I've played this year.
Pretty sure there's wind in the Tower of Goo level.
I was thinking it would be something like that. Not really sure how to approach the level since building a stable structure seems tricky.
I wish you could use the right click to sort of pull your structure or stabilize it somehow...
I've been playing the demo, and if this is the same Tower of Goo level we're talking about then the trick isn't to build something perfectly symmetrical, but to just build as fast as you can, compensating for bad balance as you go by chucking counterweights on the other side. Remember when you reach the pipe, the suction will most likely keep it standing anyway. Don't forget the time bugs too...

There's no wind AFAIK but your structures do seem to shake and sway from the weight of unbonded gooballs that are climbing over them.