World of Warcraft


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I was wondering what WoW server everyone plays one, I was gonna make a Shaman of some sort, though, dunno what server to go on. Suggestions?
I have a mage on Azjol-Nerub (Fliko, 24 Mage).
I play on Skullcrusher as a 38 troll hunter.

Was right in the middle of running through Razorfen Downs with my guild before my connection randomly decided to crap out on me.
Used to play on Burning Blade with my 50 Night-Elf hunter but since the new RP-PvP servers came out I have switched to a human warrior (now 30) on Emerald Dream. Kind of funny really how I quit playing my hunter as soon as they recieved the talent re-work which actually made them useful in PvP.

In between that time I have leveled at least 3 horde characters to 30 and I have played my brothers 53 Undead Warlock a few times as well on the PvP server Gurubashi, however I wouldn't recommend Gurubashi at least since I left it because it was having some major population balance problems.

For straight PvP Burning Blade I found was amazing when I was on it. The population is or at least was one of the most balanced between Horde and Alliance when I left and it wasn't difficult to get into BG's.
60 warrior on arthas(alliance)
50Pally on firetree (alliance)
Level 12 priest on the new azshara server (horde)
24 UD rogue on burning blade horde.
40 mage alliance on llane.
Level 30 Orc shaman on Kel'thuzad.

My stepfather has characters of various levels and classes--all Alliance--on several servers.

We don't talk much anymore... ;)
I have a 60 rogue on detheroc(alliance)
A 53 hunter on hellscream I no longer play
I also have a 26 shaman on Azshara that I play most of the time. His name is Glirk. I am trying to slowly lvl him so me and my guild can hardcore BG. We win every game when we join as a guild. It's fun doing games in under 10 mins when it takes others up to a few hours.
Glirk Dient said:
It's fun doing games in under 10 mins when it takes others up to a few hours.

Meh, I like my games drawn out. Not ridiculous in length, mind you. But a good one. Especially if I've been waiting in qeue for over an hour.

Since I think it's pretty much a fact that Horde wins BG games nine times out of ten regardless of realm, that often gives me and my team the option of drawing out the game at will. Like "Come on, let's give 'em a point. I didn't wait two freakin' hours for a five minute game".

Sadly, all games are practically dead around my level range. They just don't happen. Thankfully I'm only two levels away from 40. I can't wait until AV is open to me as well.
60 shaman, 28 rogue, 6 mage, 20 warrior and 15 druid on Blackrock.

Whisper Danimal sometime, either that or Stabra.
60 Rogue and 60 Warrior (Alliance) on Magtheridon
Made a Shaman on Azshara.
I do have a lvl 12 (I think) Hunter over at Azjol-Nerub
42 Warrior on Detheroc, I play with Foxtrot, Glirk, and Pesmerga

No one plays on Blackrock ;(
I thought that the horde were supposed to be the more mature players of the game, but no! The horde uses COMIC SANS MS!! this sickens me enough to play a gnome :x
Septih said:
I thought that the horde were supposed to be the more mature players of the game, but no! The horde uses COMIC SANS MS!! this sickens me enough to play a gnome :x
That hurt!
(At Gnome Comment)
Most of my characters are on Stormrage (alliance) since that's where all my friends are.
I play my 60 Warrior and Warlock the most.
Just starting a druid.

I had a lowbie on Icecrown but I deleted him. :(
60 Warrior Skullcrusher. I have other 60's but I don't play them anymore and cba to go through all my characters.
I have a lvl 13 Tauran Shaman on Blackrock, but strictly speaking he's not on my account...
Debating whether or not i should get back into WoW today. I'm off school now so i've got all the time in the world. Only problem is, i'm worried that if i get back into WoW i wont get around to applying for any jobs for the Christmas rush.
Debating whether or not i should get back into WoW today. I'm off school now so i've got all the time in the world. Only problem is, i'm worried that if i get back into WoW i wont get around to applying for any jobs for the Christmas rush.
Im requesting off for Christmas rush, I hate holidays!! To many people around where I work. I work the day before Thanksgiving, Ahhh!! The days before the fourth all over again!!