World War Z

Dec 26, 2006
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Although it doesnt come out for about a year, any thoughts on it? Will it be the awesome zombie movie we've been looking for or will it suck?
Personally I hope it's gonna rock. I loved the book and I really hope that the movie captures the feel of Yonkers ( I heard that the script is out, and that it sounds like it's gonna be good.
Weird director choice.
Could be awesome and could be the worst movie ever.
I have high hopes. Straczynski is an amazing writer and I'm sure his screenplay will be ace. The director is quite worrying, though.
Excellent screen writer, director is good too though neither have worked in the genre much.
I love the Zombies, but that book was full of so many cardboard cultural stereotypes and clichés that it became fairly predictable halfway through....
Sounds like the makings of a survival horror film in that case ;)