World Wide Stats & Rankings?



I poked around and couldn't find an answer to this. I remember back when I was playing Quake 2 quite a bit. There were a few sites that would keep track of all the players around the world. At the time there was close to 800,000 different players (or at least names, since I'm sure there were multiples per player).

Is there a site anywhere that keeps track of global rankings & stats for CS:S? I realize that individual servers will often keep track of their own stats, but I was hoping that there was one that was more global.


I was looking at the steam forums... and someone posted this link...

I checked out my nick and sure enough it was there. So give it a try.
Wow! I'm totally shocked... I'm in there and I'm the suckiest player around! I didn't even sign up. Actually, I have never heard of this site before! I'm mistified.
What about for hl2 Dm can you get stats and how do you register? :)
keeps complaining about a heavy workload...BAH!!! It doesnt know what a heavy workload is....
I'm really curious how that site works. How can they keep track of everyone? I think valve builded something into the source engine to support that site...
they just moniter all the servers, valve didn't make anything specifically for them (considering that site has a dozen other games as well).
The best site used to be
(the champions league for quake).
But its since closed down.
I was ranked on that..
top 1000 in CS (the early beta's).
top 400 in HL.
top 40 in HL OP Force.

And on the
I'm ranked as 8634 on HL2, top 5%.
Thats not bad for 24 hours play.