World's First Test Tube baby turns 30 yrs old


May 5, 2004
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science has failed:

The world's first IVF baby Louise Brown (2nd right) with her son Cameron, her mother Lesley and IVF pioneer Professor Robert Edwards. The world's first IVF baby wants to keep her 30th birthday on Friday low-key

I think "test tube" was inaccurate was actually a large test bucket filled with clarified butter
Did they feed that thing straight butter as a test as well?
I'd tell you to go lie in front of a train, but you'd probably wreck it. Fatty.
Hmm , i see the two people on the left , but who are the other two?
Hmm , i see the two people on the left , but who are the other two?

That's the dude that jacked off into a bucket. And that's the woman that used a turkey baster to inject the live semen culture into her uterus.
I guess.

Holy shit that is the perfect avatar but I dont know If I want to give up my tophat for it.
Man... It never ceases to amaze me what a bunch of shallow assholes this forum possesses.
Making fat jokes doesn't really have much to do with being shallow.

Not that I endorse it.
We are discussing an overweight woman who was born under extremely unusual circumstances. I doubt any of us have met her, ever will meet her, or even want to. There is no reason to be anything more than "shallow" as far as I can see.
what a bunch of shallow assholes

We need something to make fun of her for. Anything will do.

It has to do with the fact that she is a test tube baby - you know, the oldest joke in the book (since the late 70's anyway).
She has the same evil smile as Pope Benedict. That's the problem with Test Tube babies, the babies can get mixed up more easily.


You never see them in the same room together, do you?
Nice way to use sarcasm in a sentence where you where asking me if you were using sarcasm and it's also funny because I'm using sarcasm too.
On topic: Test tube baby? How does that work?
You know what? Let's just drop this and stay on topic.
On topic: Test tube baby? How does that work?

Man wanting to spread his genes and/or make about $30 to ejaculate, stimulates himself to orgasm into a vial at a sperm bank. Vial is stored without identification in a cooler for a few days or so until it is inserted into a willing and fertile woman for a very large fee. If all goes correctly, the woman then has become impregnated by a stranger without having sex. The men are screened and must be drug free and healthy. This is one way a woman who can't seem to find a willing partner can have a child.

I don't know if it's possible to raise a fetus in a lab yet, so I think that a fertile mother is required.

Note that, a woman that is infertile may have her husband's (or boyfriend's) sperm inseminated into a fertile woman who can birth the child and upon birth the child is sold to the non-fertile woman for an enormous fee.

I think.

If you really want the facts, I suggest finding them out, because I've never read anything on it. Just what I've picked up over the years from the news and such.
This is one way a woman who can't seem to find a willing partner can have a child.
I don't think anyone actualy uses it because they can't find a willing partner...there's someone for everyone in this world, or at least there's someone who thinks they're for everyone. The main reason for it is when either one or both partners are infertile. And also the "test-tube"/IVF refers to the process of insemination, and where the sperm came from is irrelevant - AFAIK sometimes it comes from the husband.
I went to school with Scotlands first test tube baby. \o/
Man wanting to spread his genes and/or make about $30 to ejaculate, stimulates himself to orgasm into a vial at a sperm bank. Vial is stored without identification in a cooler for a few days or so until it is inserted into a willing and fertile woman for a very large fee. If all goes correctly, the woman then has become impregnated by a stranger without having sex. The men are screened and must be drug free and healthy. This is one way a woman who can't seem to find a willing partner can have a child.

I don't know if it's possible to raise a fetus in a lab yet, so I think that a fertile mother is required.

Note that, a woman that is infertile may have her husband's (or boyfriend's) sperm inseminated into a fertile woman who can birth the child and upon birth the child is sold to the non-fertile woman for an enormous fee.

I think.

If you really want the facts, I suggest finding them out, because I've never read anything on it. Just what I've picked up over the years from the news and such.

no, not at all:

In vitro fertilisation or fertilization[1] (IVF) is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the woman's womb
Ha, you started it, dork. Maybe Enzorr is a test tube baby.

God, persistent much? Can you let it go? All I asked was if you were using sarcasm when you replied to that post and you responded negatively to it. I then tried to veer away from an argument by making a joke about it and you still wouldn't stop. I said OK, can we stay on topic now? and even then, you wouldn't let it go. And if I'm such a dork, why can I try to stop an argument? Tell me that, will you?