Worms World Party league?


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone interested? I just realized over the past couple of days that it's literally been years since I last played Worms in any capacity. Me and Qonfused are gonna play together sometime tonight, anyone else care to start playing semi-regularly or something?
Hmmm.. actually, yeah I'm a bit interested. Though I kinda prefer Armageddon. It gets patched more me thinks
why don't you open it up to one of the freeware worms clones ? . like liero or soldat or something . that way more people will be able to play.
why don't you open it up to one of the freeware worms clones ? . like liero or soldat or something . that way more people will be able to play.
Ok, Liero and Soldat are way the hell different than the Worms series.
Yeah, it'd have to be World Party or Armageddon. Liero is too... I dunno. Too 8-bit for me.

Me and Qonfused just finished playing a couple games over a Hamachi LAN, it was pretty awesome. We ended up tying 1 to 1, although to be fair, in the second game Qonfused kind of owned himself with a series of suicidal grenade throws :P

Many lulz were had, and I hope more of you guys get interested. We're planning on playing again tomorrow night (or tonight, depending on the timezone). Make sure to get Hamachi (google it) and make your own custom team :D

[edit] What are the differences between WP and Armageddon? I remember WP being more customizable, but that's about it.
Well, it's not NECESSARY, it's just easier than doing a direct IP connection :P
The first match was ****ing hilarious.

He was basically pummeling me to no end until Sudden Death came around (everyone's health drops to one). I throw one cluster grenade and kill four people and win.

I'll play you guys, I have a mate who I play with loads.

Give me a shout and I'll give you a game with my friend. :D
The first match was ****ing hilarious.

He was basically pummeling me to no end until Sudden Death came around (everyone's health drops to one). I throw one cluster grenade and kill four people and win.

Well what really happened is that you only killed three of my last four guys. The fourth, which if you'll remember had been TRAPPED in an alcove for three rounds, got swallowed up by the rising water :P

Mutley: sure thing. I think I have you on xfire :D
I've started playing it recently too, but I think I need to patch it to play online.

Add me on msn and we'll sort out a game: [email protected]
We use Hamachi to make a virtual LAN, no patch required :D
I'd play if I had it.

I only have Worms 2 on CD. :|

<3 Stig
I'll play. I'm freakin horrible though.
Well what really happened is that you only killed three of my last four guys. The fourth, which if you'll remember had been TRAPPED in an alcove for three rounds, got swallowed up by the rising water :P

Mutley: sure thing. I think I have you on xfire :D

Whats your Xfire dude?

You don't need Himanchi, you can play online with no problems with pirated version.
So easier with Hamachi. Anyway, any one up for a game right now?
You guys rope ninjas at all?
Roping the is shit!

Also, we should really play W:A since it really does get patched regularly.
Hit me up on AIM or Yahoo if ya wanna game
Once I buy Armageddon, maybe. World Party seems to be more widespread here though.
Hells yeah. Too bad I couldn't play today. Fun time on vent though stig, lol :P
Heh, yeah :P

Nobody else wants to play tonight? or wut, are you all going to bed like pussies
You need permission to use things that I've coined.
So where the **** is everyone.

I'll take on any of you.
I don't own it. Ima going to download the demo.. :D
I'll play when I get back from work. Probably in a good 7 hours, but I'll play nonetheless.
God damnit give me Xfire contacts, lol.

I need to play and sort out a proper tournament WITH dates and times. :D 2v2