Worse Than Failure (awesome site)

Hah. Kept laughing under my breath at their obsession over "You altered the contract!"

Seemed kind've like a soap
Well, its reassuring that the insane can find jobs and even make it up to management positions!
How else do managers get their jobs :P

Oh shi-
lol, this is too much! There's a 100+ page long thread over at CGtalk.com full of stories like this. I'll post one of mine a little later today.
One of my stories . . .
I'll preface this by saying I'm not bitter & I'm actually glad it happened.


At my last job, I was a “creative” 3D production artist (rendering cars mostly). During the last 3-4 months there, work slowed a lot, and most people do nothing between projects. Not me, after a week of exploring maxscript, I was pushing out tools like crazy, automating those tedious tasks you had to do on every project, simplifying the UI, new features, menus for my tools, and even getting into some stuff that required advanced math . . . saving the company 50 to 150 hours per week (for FREE). My coworkers loved the tools, and my supervisors were ecstatic! One of my supervisors really got into it, requesting various tools, and I was even 60% through something that could automatically do projects (of a certain type).

I get called to a surprise meeting with one of my supervisors, HR, and some accountant. I started work underpaid, made tons of 3D advancements, volunteered for difficult projects no one wanted, then my (FREE) max-scripting, supervisors love me, and it's 3 months past my scheduled “employee review.” So, naturally I'm thinking it's time to discuss a raise & they're trying to pull a fast one with the surprise meeting, but I was more than ready. I walk in there, greet everyone with a smile, sit down and . . .

“We're sorry, but we're going to have to let you go.” “Work has been a lot slower than usual lately and we're having to make some cuts.”

You'd think the worst irony is they randomly laid off the underpaid guy who works his ass of between projects, but I later find out it's because “I wasn't logging many hours on creative projects, and there wasn't a 'budget' for research and development, and research and development is expendable.” Translated: I was laid off because I work too fast & was actually productive between projects. Oh well, I guess accounting is too complex for a mathematician (me) to understand.
If you want hundreds more like that . . .
Wow, I'd be pretty pissed. Well, at least I'd take my tools with me or completely **** them up so no one could use them
They made sure I didn't go back to my computer; probably wise considering it would only take me about 5 mouse-clicks & 3 keys to destroy the company. While my tools are currently saving them a lot of time I was barely getting started.

I'm not too pissed because I found a better job less than a month later; very noticeable pay-raise, more relaxed environment, and structured more to my liking (plus ILM connections can't hurt).
Ah great site, thanks for the link. I love this shit.
I'm not too pissed because I found a better job less than a month later; very noticeable pay-raise, more relaxed environment, and structured more to my liking (plus ILM connections can't hurt).

ILM wins :D

Haha, love it.

Eh, that's about as far as I get with techie humour. OP article was pretty awesome though.
If that ever came up on my screen I'd panic like hell.

No, it's obviously Ctrl + G to get into the RAID BIOS console.
No, it's obviously Ctrl + G to get into your mom's pants.