Worst case scenario for EP3


Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
What's the worst thing that Valve could do for Episode 3?

Mine is reinvent the series as Imagine Theoretical Physicist.
worst case scenario, my dick falls off and the world blows up.
Personally I would really hate them pulling a "Lost" on us and make us use the borealis to go back in time and prevent black mesa from happening.....I would probably never forgive them if they did that.:flame:

Best case would be Gordon facing off against a Breen/Advisor hybrid (maybe same one who killed Eli Vance :stare:) and using the Borealis to travel to the Combine Overworld and have it end there. Which would set up a HL3 entirely in the combine overworld and provide answers on G-man, Advisors, and the Benefactors. I remember, but still can't find, a Gabe Newell interview where he said valve had always envisioned a trilogy story arc. HL1 is the first one... HL2, Episodes 1,2, and 3 are the second one....and HL3 the third and final arc.

If anyone knows what interview I am talking about please let me know!:E
The worst that can happen is that EP3 goes in the path of TF2, in that it took what 6 years to develop? We shall see. :)
The worst that can happen is that EP3 goes in the path of TF2, in that it took what 6 years to develop?
TF2 had been in development since 1998. It took NINE years.

Worst case scenario, G-man is an alien.
Gordon goes emo. Like Spiderman, but slightly less gay.
It finds inspiration from Modern Warfare.

Synopsis: Gordon Freeman goes undercover as a combine soldier and shoots everyone in White Forest whilst walking like he's got a half-descended turd falling into his soldier slacks.

"Remember, No Bio/Medical crackling radio chatter"
No multiplayer maps based on levels from Ep1, Ep2 or Ep3 :(

Now that I think of it, do you think Half-Life Deathmatch will get a makeover?
The game starts from an omniscient third person view with a monologue from a strange voice who recalls the events that have lead us to Episode 3. As the scenes catch up to Gordon at the present, we realize he's the one who's talking.
Gordon wakes up only to find out he's been dreaming whilst asleep in one of Dr Kleiners lectures at MIT; the rest of the game involves Gordon solving equations, fetching books from the library and making out with his long lost love.
Gordon goes emo. Like Spiderman, but slightly less gay.
Gay? Nothing gay about this:
Gordon wakes up only to find out he's been dreaming whilst asleep in one of Dr Kleiners lectures at MET; the rest of the game involves Gordon solving equations, fetching books from the library and making out with his long lost love.
Sorry dude, I normally limit my use of this term, but ... fail.
That was my BEST case scenario!!
Dude, c'mon. A first person sex scene....especially assuming Gordon would be silent during the whole thing. It's just so not Gordon. It would just be terribly awkward. At one point, Alyx would probably be like, "Baby, why aren't you making any noise? I thought you liked this..." And then Alyx would become sexually insecure and would start cutting herself, ultimately leading to her sleeping around with other resistance members who are far more vocal during intercourse.
Dude, c'mon. A first person sex scene....especially assuming Gordon would be silent during the whole thing. It's just so not Gordon. It would just be terribly awkward. At one point, Alyx would probably be like, "Baby, why aren't you making any noise? I thought you liked this..." And then Alyx would become sexually insecure and would start cutting herself, ultimately leading to her sleeping around with other resistance members who are far more vocal during intercourse.
Yeah, probably with the "AR3" guy.
The games will create a logical paradox and will go back in time causing all the women in romania to fall pregnant.

The children will appear normal but when they grow up they will learn english (very badly) and they will come to hl2.net to post senseless thread after senseless thread about the game.

The threads will have titles that are at first appealing, but once the reader views the content of the thread he will go crazy from the nonsense and start posting gibberish about genetalia.

Also, Samon gets a racecar.

Teh end.
Dude, c'mon. A first person sex scene....especially assuming Gordon would be silent during the whole thing. It's just so not Gordon. It would just be terribly awkward. At one point, Alyx would probably be like, "Baby, why aren't you making any noise? I thought you liked this..." And then Alyx would become sexually insecure and would start cutting herself, ultimately leading to her sleeping around with other resistance members who are far more vocal during intercourse.

THAT'S fan-fiction.