Worst songs


Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Post the names of your most hated songs, whether they are musically or lyrically devoid of any artistic value.

Stuff like Hillary Duff and the like.
anything by probably every manafactured boy band ever, celine dion is pretty poor, mostly all r&b is dog shit

to name songs though....errrrm

i'd say a song i truely foooooking hate is infernal - from paris to berlin
mostly all r&b is dog shit
Couldn't have said it better. It's hard to name a tune, because it's only on as long as it takes me to change the station.

I remember NPR did a piece on what makes a bad song, and they compiled a song that included all those components that most people hate in music. It was actually super funny. I think it was called "Labor Day" and it made me laugh pretty hard, but I wouldn't listen to the song otherwise. Here's the website of the people who wrote the song.
Post the names of your most hated songs

Well normally I would say i can't name the songs i hate because I just don't listen to music i don't like but this song in particular is "special".

O zone - Dragostea din tei Blearghhhh HATEHATEHATE:angry: . A few years back they blasted this garbage on every TV network, on the radio EVERYWHERE at least a dozen times a day!!!! Oh and the fact that this "gem" of a song had the most retarded lyrics ever conceived by mankind was definitely a plus.
ya know guys R&B and hip hop has potential to becoming enjoyable. Look at what Jason Mraz did with "Geek In the Pink". So yeah the way its being handled right now, I agree. But wait till a few more years when a few more artist play around with it and you all could end up liking hip hop and R&B. I think we have to work on hte subject matter first off. Then we'll alternate the sound abit. Just you guys wait!
Well normally I would say i can't name the songs i hate because I just don't listen to music i don't like but this song in particular is "special".

O zone - Dragostea din tei Blearghhhh HATEHATEHATE:angry: . A few years back they blasted this garbage on every TV network, on the radio EVERYWHERE at least a dozen times a day!!!! Oh and the fact that this "gem" of a song had the most retarded lyrics ever conceived by mankind was definitely a plus.

You're Romanian! I used to like the song actually XD What the hell's the song about?
I used to like the song actually XD What the hell's the song about?

Well that's just it, the lyrics don't make sens, they just rhyme, I could translate them but I can't be bothered right now. To make it short it's about two dudes hitting on a chick:p . I did a little search on it in wikipedia and it was in 2004 #1 on the single charts in most European countries:x .
Well normally I would say i can't name the songs i hate because I just don't listen to music i don't like but this song in particular is "special".

O zone - Dragostea din tei Blearghhhh HATEHATEHATE:angry: . A few years back they blasted this garbage on every TV network, on the radio EVERYWHERE at least a dozen times a day!!!! Oh and the fact that this "gem" of a song had the most retarded lyrics ever conceived by mankind was definitely a plus.

I love that song. Perfect example of so-bad-its-good.

I'm suprised nobodys mentioned Crazy Frog yet. :x
that stupid celine dion song from Titanic makes me want to kick her in the yoohoo
Wind of Change - The Scorpions.

Fake sentiment, terrible lyrics, horrible tune. Especially the German accent makes me cringe.
MCR's new song.

My friend said, "You'll love this song!".

Oh how wrong he is.
Wind of Change - The Scorpions.

Fake sentiment, terrible lyrics, horrible tune. Especially the German accent makes me cringe.


taaaaake me ..to zee magic of zee moment
on zee vinds of change ...

man you mean you didnt buy into Klaus Meine's sentimentality?

"The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change"

it blows alright :naughty:


/me headbangs
Anything by Panic! At the Disco, really. I was dumb enough to get that one "big" album of theres, and it's the most consistently awful, trashy, and pretentious abortion of an album I've ever had the displeasure to listen to.
How could this happen to me.. ****ing Untitled by Simple plan.

How could you produce such a whiny, bullshit sounding and ultimately fake, manufactured pile of shit eh?