Worth upgrading?


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Ok so basically my current rig is at it's limit when it comes to modern games.
Current: 3800+ X2, 2 gb DDR1, 550w psu, 7950GT.

I had given up hope of upgrading it since cards these days are the size of footballs and my case isn't that large. But I found this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130535

Which is roughly the same size as my current card length wise, but how much of an improvement would I see? Some games already have my cpu as the minimum requirement (some have gone over).
That GPU would help quite a bit.
9800GT = 8800GT which performs between the 8800GTS (this isn't the G92 version) and 8800GTX.

But I'd upgrade the whole system if you want more performance than that. What games do you play and which are you hurting for performance the most?
Mass Effect 2 performs ok 1440x900 but I pretty much have every detail on "off"
Metro 2033 runs completely like crap, low settings 800x600 and battles are still pretty close to slideshows.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games I can go max res (1680x1050) but everything else (namely the lighting) is on lowest.
I think Mass Effect 2 recommends a 8800gt (the 9800gt you linked to). You CPU I would think play OK with the GPU and that game but it would be on the low side. Like a X2 4200+ would do fine (I'm not suggesting to upgrade to it).
Hmm, so I guess I could just deal with my current pc until I'm ready for a brand new setup. As long as I can still play I'm good.
You're doing it wrong, bro!

You bought Metro 2033 at full price and you can't play it. Buy older games, like maybe some you missed, for about $10-20. With the money you save on buying games like that, you can afford a pretty sweet video card, etc.
My money situation is a bit more complicated than that. Lets just say I won't be getting a new rig until I either save up enough from summer work or get out of college gift. Games ever so rarely, I can indulge on (though I shouldn't D: )
Well, looks like an upgrade to the 9800GT could double your frame-rate, but it will still leave much to be desired in Metro 2033.
Your system isn't all that bad. The video is the weakest, and like everyone else is saying, the 9800GT will hold you a bit longer until a full upgrade.
That is a great card. It should also last you when you replace the rest of your system.