WOTW: second teaser trailer


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I haven't seen any threads relating to this so, here you go, i give you the second teaser trailer.

That puts the total to three trailers to watch


The beginning of the trailer reminds me of the original 50's film where all watches stop and telephone lines are cut. The transportation of the pods (if I'm interpreting the trailer correctly) looks interesting and intreguing.

Best quote from it
"Lightning never strikes twice!"
This isn't normal lightning mate :thumbs:
anyone care to give a brief heads up on the storyline,who does tom cruise play etc?do we even know stuff like this?
jimbo118 said:
anyone care to give a brief heads up on the storyline,who does tom cruise play etc?do we even know stuff like this?

From watching the trailer, I can assume his names Ray who lives in New York, occupation working at the Docks. He's divorced but gets to watch his daughter and son over the weekend. After having an initial encounter when the pods land, he and his kids flee to safety.

Theres a pic on the official site with civilians in single file being directed by soldiers through some sort of chemical plant (a lot of extruding pipes), perhaps this is where the aliens die in the end, but I could be wrong.
From watching the trailer, I can assume his names Ray who lives in New York, occupation working at the Docks. He's divorced but gets to watch his daughter and son over the weekend. After having an initial encounter when the pods land, he and his kids flee to safety.

Theres a pic on the official site with civilians in single file being directed by soldiers through some sort of chemical plant (a lot of extruding pipes), perhaps this is where the aliens die in the end, but I could be wrong.
hmmm its not some cheesy 'ordinary joe saves the world' storyline is it,guess we'll have to wait and see
You havnt heard of the book war of the worlds? Damn iv read like 2 books in my life and i know about it... :eek:
Raziel-Jcd said:
You havnt heard of the book war of the worlds? Damn iv read like 2 books in my life and i know about it... :eek:
yeah i know of the book and the original film but i couldnt remember the story off the top of my head,i know aliens attack etc but not much else,is it a straight remake or something new?