Would Diablo 2 Work On Dial-Up?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I used to play Diablo 2 all the time, one of my favorite games ever, but sadly when I moved I was stuck with dial-up (nothing else available), so I sold it, but I'm craving that game more then anything right now, would it work decent on dial-up? Counter Strike: Source doesn't lag, and works fine on dial-up, if thats any help..

I had to sell Starcraft, too, I know that doesn't work on dial-up, but does Diablo 2? If it doesn't, is the single player any fun? (I've owned it for about 2 years and never played single player once..)
Yeah, a lot of people use dial-up in D2. I know a few.

Trust me, it doesn't have much network activity.
-Starcraft does work on dial up(I played it on dial up for 5/6 years until I stopped playing).
-Diablo 2 also works on dial up.
-Warcraft 3 also works on dial up.

The only time you'll ever notice 56kers on Starcraft is if they actually have a 28.8k connection or when they are downloading the map. Also if they are like me and they share there 56k connection with other comps, and someone else starts using the connection it will cause lag problems. Same with Wc3.

(*All are true as long as you get solid 56k connections with average download speeds between 5.0 and 5.6 kilobytes/second).
*Furthmore all are true even when having to transmit the 56k wirelessly through the house and playing off of the wireless connection.
*Blizzard are gods when it comes to designing net code.
I'd say yes, but certainly don't play Hardcore, and prepare for some pain if you really get into it and start losing insane amounts of gold and time by lagging and dieing.

I'm sure it will run very well though, so I'd certainly give it a shot. I'd say play a sorceress; mindless ice globe-thingy casting is sure to go hand in hand with dial-up.
I used to play Diablo 2 all the time, one of my favorite games ever, but sadly when I moved I was stuck with dial-up (nothing else available), so I sold it, but I'm craving that game more then anything right now, would it work decent on dial-up? Counter Strike: Source doesn't lag, and works fine on dial-up, if thats any help..

I had to sell Starcraft, too, I know that doesn't work on dial-up, but does Diablo 2? If it doesn't, is the single player any fun? (I've owned it for about 2 years and never played single player once..)

Since you've played multiplayer, then technically you've played singleplayer.
Since the only difference is that there's more than one of you playing.
Plus trading, and talking to other real people. ;)

Btw, my dial-up is not 56k, it's hooked up to my phone line, it connects at usually 30k, at the most 40.0k.

And Starcraft DOES lag, that is why I sold it, I didn't want to sell it, the only reason I sold Diablo 2 is because I played it to freakin death. Starcraft still was awesome, but I beat single player like 20 times, and I'd always get kicked from multiplayer.
Plus trading, and talking to other real people.

Btw, my dial-up is not 56k, it's hooked up to my phone line, it connects at usually 30k, at the most 40.0k.

And Starcraft DOES lag, that is why I sold it, I didn't want to sell it, the only reason I sold Diablo 2 is because I played it to freakin death. Starcraft still was awesome, but I beat single player like 20 times, and I'd always get kicked from multiplayer.
That's something you gotta say then. Cuz on a 56k connection Starcraft wont lag. Once you start getting lower connection speeds it will. I also suggest that if you arn't getting solid 56k connections you need to switch ISP's because theres no reason for you not to be.

Diablo 2 will for the most part play decent. You may notice some black walling. Also when trying to get items you'll probably notice it'll take a second before you actually get them. This also causes other players to get gear before you. If Starcraft lags for you though....... I could see you having some bad experiences with Diablo 2 and lots of swearing at the computer due to lag and lag spikes.
Well, to be fair I said dial-up, not 56k modem, dial-up means it's hooked to my phone, and I have to connect to the internet every time I want to go on, 56k is always on, isn't it?
Well, to be fair I said dial-up, not 56k modem, dial-up means it's hooked to my phone, and I have to connect to the internet every time I want to go on, 56k is always on, isn't it?
No 56k is the most common form of dial up. Anything less than a 56k dialup is really pushing your luck in playing games. You should really find a different ISP or look for a different 56k modem if you arn't getting 56k connections.

Although at my house we have no access to anything better than 56k. So we have a second phone line and leave our 56k connection always on(we never disconnect from the net) and running on that second phone line.
Dial up means that it "dials" an external modem. Everything else (ADSL, cable, sat) has a persistant "line" to the remote machine, whether you keep it active or not. Just because you have to initiate the connection does not make it dial up. If you have 30+ kbs, you do not have dial up, and any game you want to play online will be good or better
Dial-up can work suprisingly well in some games. I've played UT2K4 on onslaught maps with only tiny amounts of occational lag.
Yes it works well on dial-up....it came out when most people had dialup still, heh
I've only ever played SC and D2 on Dial Up, they're fine.

Also, Guild Wars plays fine on Dial Up. takes a long time to load maps and updates, but the actual game plays fine.
I've only ever played SC and D2 on Dial Up, they're fine.

Also, Guild Wars plays fine on Dial Up. takes a long time to load maps and updates, but the actual game plays fine.

If I'm not mistaken, when you're out in the world, everything is running off your PC, the only thing that requires the connection is loading sections/towns and interacting in town...right?
I know guild wars works fine on dial-up it's the only online game everyone in my area plays..