Would like suggestions on a paint job!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
So I recently (like today) started a project: I took 2 old crappy guitars, neck from one body/hardware from the other, and I'm going to make the neck fretless (which I did, and yes I know it's an abstract sounding idea, but fretless guitars do exist, but usually the fretboard isn't as a normal guitar). I'm also going to paint them and here's where the question comes in..

So my brother is good at those pinstripe things you see on lowrider cars, and his friend is supposedly an airbrush wizard (he paints designs/faces/etc on lowrider cars), and I'm going to get something awesome airbrushed onto the guitar then I'll get pinstripe all around the image, and up the back on the neck, and on the headstock.

So question is: What should I get airbrushed? It can be ANYTHING, a person, a thing, I'd like to hear all suggestions.

Thanks guys. :cheers:

EDIT: Shit I just realized I didn't post this in the art forums :|
a dick and balls

- matter of fact, you should just jigsaw the base of the guitar into the shape of a sack. The neck will look like the shaft and tip
The idea is taken, so no.


Next suggestion.
From the way I picture it, airbrushing 'a picture' on a guitar would look really stupid. Unless it was a reaper or someshit, and it was really low-key, not some bright colored shit, but so you could barely tell it was there. DId I JUST SEE THE REAPER? OH - SHIT BRIX

But anyway, so instead of a picture, probably just choose one color and use the best paint available. Gold or silver flake might be wicked.
All my guitars are perfect and are the way I want them, and they are all one colour. I just want some crazy guitar, so I just took these 2 old shit guitars I never play. This things pickups have killer clean tone too I must add. Plus it's fretless so I'll be sliding like a madman, so it should be a mellow chill relaxed feeling kind of paintjob.
Can you show me some examples?

Like I said, I don't recall ever seeing an actual picture on a guitar. I just keep picturing something really terrible off of a beach boardwalk airbrushed T-Shirt.





I actually like this one in particular. Not too much going on, but still an awesome scene.


I was going to do this at the start, but it seems a waste to make an airbrush artist do that. Especially since he's doing it for free which doesn't usually happen. Except mine would've been white guitar black designs.
thirding Falcor.

Also, I hate all those ones you posted Dog, except for the last one which is alright but not as good as Falcor..
I know you said you want a design, but another idea I just got from the last image I posted:

make it a mirror finish, or just really shiny or reflective silver - like the one the skeleton is playing.
Yea but that might be kind of annoying in lighted areas.. Getting in peoples eyes and all.
I suggest you take the wood guitar base, place it in a large fire; when the fire has extinguished itself, the guitar is ready.
I suggest you get that dude to airbrush some really f*cking hot SFW (not to graphic) oiled up chick on there. Works most of the time...
