Would like your opinions on my TF2 opinions please

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Hi everyone. I know there are other 'my opinion of TF2' feedback threads posted here, but after playing TF2 since it came out I really felt like discussing the balance of the classes. I have actually been paid real $$$ developing several games / mods so I always have strong feelings about balance / design when a game comes out that I really like. I was a scripter / sound guy for BF1942 Desert Combat, and worked on some mods of various games for military use such as VBS for Op Flashpoint.

I'd love to submit my feedback to the TF2 devs, but I'm pretty sure with how popular the game is that they would be flooded with random feedback posts / emails and my message would get lost in all that.

But I'd really like to hear your opinions on what you think about the classes and balance in TF2. So let me throw it all out, I'll break them down with bullets. :sniper: :naughty:

First off, I really enjoy TF2. There's plenty of nitpicks, but overall its a really fun game. THere do need to be more maps though, especially more capture the intelligence maps.

For an overall complaint, I have an issue with what every single mod that I've played has failed to take into account: the default running speed. HL2 has a fast run speed (not sprinting mode but normal forward speed). I'm sure the speed is fast because HL2 is a single player game and nobody wants to trudge through all those levels at a real-life pace.

The problem comes in when this fast speed is also the default for multiplayer games. Who here has played 'Day of Defeat source'? What were they putting in those guys K-Rations? HL2MP is the same way. So was UT3K, for those who played it. In a MP game, it's a big deal when the default speed is cranked way up. It turns a tactics and teamwork game into a 'who has the better connection and the .01sec faster response time and the razor mousing surface' competition. It's one thing to have a stamina sprint system like BF2 and BF2142 where you get a short sprint and put your weapon away. But when EVERYONE moves very fast, it's quake skills or the respawn screen.

A small issue for me is the swirling floating respawning health and ammo boxes. Everything else on the levels looks so nice, why not put in medic cabinets and ammo cabinets in select parts of the map instead? You know when we first saw those swirly floating medic and ammo items? Wolfenstein 3D, the very first FPS, waaaay back in 1992. Have we not come farther than this?

So here's what I think of the classes:

  • Scout:
I have played a few games where almost the entire team chose scout just for fun. THey completely owned everyone and the match was over very quickly. It was a 3 control point assault. I think this class is far overpowered. The scout's weaker HP doesn't really matter when he is impossible to hit. Here's the issues:

1- The scout moves SOOO FAAAST that he about outruns rockets and can circlestrafe / dodge pretty much anything you try to throw at him. This wouldn't be a big deal if he didn't have a good weapon, but he does!!! I understand the role the scout is -supposed- to play, and I'm fine with a fast class, but not one with a powerful offense also.

2- The 6 shot rapid fire shotgun! A fast, weak class isn't such a big deal if it weren't for the fact that he is extremely potent as an offensive unit. The scout can dance around anyone firing his shotgun and it's nearly impossible to track him. This is a BIG balance problem! I am convinced that if an entire team went scout only that they would win pretty much every match.

  • Soldier:
I like the concept of the soldier, but I have a problem with his 4 shot RPG. First off, you see him hand load that launcher, and the launcher doesn't even look like it should be firing 4 rockets in semi auto. But besides that, I think it's a problem overall to fire 4 long range splash damage shots that can instakill in 1 direct hit.

My suggestion would be to give him the Snipers SMG as the primary weapon (but that thing is very weak so boost the damage). Then let him have the RPG as the second weapon, but make it single loading (like when you have fired your last of 4 shots) and boost its power a bit to make it worth the single shot. I'm very suprised that of all the characters, the Soldier does not get an assault rifle type weapon.

  • Pyro:
I love this class. You have to pick your battles and you don't get direct kills all that often, but it's fun as heck to play. If I were to change anything, I would take away his shotgun as it doesn't belong with his character. I'd rather see him get a secondary fire and spray raw fuel on the ground or on a person. Then he can light it on fire at his discretion. Molotovs would be alot of fun too. He does have grenades strapped on his bandolier...

  • DemoMan:
Um, ok, a black scottsman? Personally, I don't see how this guy is much of a demoman in general. He gets a grenade launcher. Ok. But the Soldier gets a 4 shot RPG which is just as blowey-uppy as that thump-gun. What happened to those TNT charges he was throwing in the TF2 promo trailer? I'd kill for something you could throw around the corner and take out a sentry turret... I'd also really like to see the secondary-fire work like the sticky bomb for the main launcher. The sticky bombs are basically defensive, which don't need long range. Where you really wish you had the long range ability is the standard launcher. So... WTF?

  • Engineer:
Everyone hates the engineer when they have to get around a corner and a lv3 turret kills you .01 seconds after you get far enough just to see the edge of it down the hall. And everyone hates being an engineer when theres a spy around or when everyone manages to shoot up all your equipment every time you go running for more metal. I play the engy more than any other class, mostly to use the teleporters and cut the time my team takes to get in the fight. So I'm very familiar with this class's pros and cons. Here are my suggestions for this guy:

1- Turrets. The lvl2 and lvl3 sentries kill people far too quickly. Especially lvl3. The thing is, they are darn fragile, so I guess the devs felt it was balanced. I say it's better for the turrets to take more punishment and be less deadly. It's unfair to everyone to let something automated get more kills than the players themselves. The turret should be a support item and not the final solution. My suggestion on turrets: Make them much much more resistant to non-explosives like bullets, knives, and fire. Make them more resistant to all weapon types to give them more staying power. Reduce their deadliness so they are helping the fight but not doing all the fighting themselves.

2- Teleporters. Teleporters are tough to keep up in the field and rarely is more than one ever running at a time. For these reasons I would increase the rate at which they can teleport people.

3- I have issues with dispensers giving out metal. It's an endless flow of turret upgrading power and lets engineers sit behind a turret and repair it constantly. It's almost an exploit.

  • Heavy:
I think the heavy is perfectly balanced. He's really tough to deal with when theres a medic behind him, but that's a reward for teamwork. I don't think he should get a secondary weapon though. Classes like the engineer need that shotgun, but for someone with all the benefits of the heavy, running out of ammo should be the end of his offensive ability.

  • Medic:
The Medic is the best teamwork class and I like him alot. But there's a real exploit in the game that I'll note here.

1- NeedleGun. I'm really suprised that this weapon is just a basic damage weapon. He's a doctor firing friggin syringes, and he hasn't figured out that he can put something in them??? This weapon should poison, slow, or cause 'shrooms mode' in the victims. It's really the toughest weapon to aim because the needles fall. If you dropped the rate of fire and magazine size, and added some effects to the hit, that would be very cool.

2- Health beam. This is a great idea, certainly not realistic, but a great teamwork idea. The problem is that it can be exploited. How? When the demoman or soldier hurt themselves with their explosive weapons, the medic can heal them. The ubercharge builds up faster when used on hurt teammates. So... a medic can build up his ubercharge quickly when there is a soldier or demoman constantly shooting themselves nearby. This is done alot in the levels with a 30 second prep time. It allows all the medics to be ubercharged at the beginning of the round. It is also an exploit in my opinion.

I think the medic would also benefit from being able to drop one of those little medic bottles from time to time. Either with a long recharge time or with a low ammo count that requires resupply. Or both.

  • Sniper:
I don't have the dexterity or the mousing surface to make the sniper work for me. But he's often the best choice for dealing with a medic protected heavy and general combat support over a distance. That red / blue dot, oddly enough, only hurts him as it doesn't help aiming at all and lets the enemy know hes aiming their way. Maybe that was intentional as a balance point. My biggest grief is his Sub-Machine Gun. When I first tried it out, I was very impressed because it kept a tight grouping. I thought it would be a great weapon for mid-range fights and that you could have a fun time as a sniper just running around with the SMG out. Boy was I wrong, it has so little power I am almost never successful with it even in fights where I have a great angle and have a good aim the whole time. Too bad.

1. Sniper rifle. Great idea with the charging power meter for being in scoped mode. Not realistic at all, but in CSS the strafe-jump-crouch sniper move was lame and frustrating to deal with. This helps take away from that exploit.

2. SMG. I personally don't see why the sniper should get both a long range and a medium range weapon. I would rather see him get the shotgun and the soldier get the SMG. I also think the SMG needs a serious damage boost, I almost never can get a kill with the weapon even in favorable situations.

  • Spy:
The spy is extremely useful in stalemates. He is great at stopping enemy turrets and snipers / campers. Unfortunately, he is also good at killing everyone! Too good! I think the spy and the scout are the two most unbalanced, overpowered classes in the game. I don't care that the spy is weak and dies easily in a gunfight, he is so effective in his other roles it is unbalancing. In most games I've played, if one side has several spies running, it seriously turns the game in the spy side's favor. The problem with all this is that the spy, like the scout, is not supposed to be an offensive unit. But there are plenty of ways a spy can win in a head-to-head against many other classes even if hes lost the element of surprise.

1. Invisibility. They are VERY invisible, and movement doesn't affect how invisible they are. In other games that incorporate invisibility, typically movement reduces how invisible you are. Seeing and tracking an invisible spy running at full speed is very very difficult. On top of that, you can quickly turn on and off the cloak repeatedly. This allows you to dance around your victim popping in and out of visibility. This gives you a huge advantage in a knife and gunfight. Only the spray and pray classes can defend against that. I would decrease a spy's invisibility when running, and make his invisibility take more time to turn back on.

2. Sappers. All engineers HATE sappers. I like the idea of sappers, but I have a couple issues with how they are implemented. First off, the spy can place them instantly, while running / sidestrafing, and can place all of them as quick as he can pull the trigger. So he can get a whole bunch of engineer deployables within a couple seconds while dodging gunshots. On top of all that, the sappers act VERY QUICKLY on the deployables, and an engineer will only rescue his equipment if he is right on top of them and kills the spy first. Rarely does this happen unless there are other players also right there to help.

In my opinion, sappers should disable equipment immediately, take a much longer time to destroy the deployables, and take a bit longer to deactivate by an engineer. This lets the spy perform his role of shutting down the guns and dispensers to shift the tide of battle, but does allow an engineer to respond and gives him time to save his equipment. If a spy is out alone and sapping equipment far away from his team, his actions won't be especially effective as the engineer can unsap his equipment in time. If a spy is working in support of his team and saps a turret / dispenser near the fight, then his team will overrun the sapped equipment before the engineer can fix it. To me, that's a better choice for balance and teamplay.

3. Disguises. Great idea, great implementation, with one exception. If I shoot a disguised spy, his disguise doesn't disappear and sentry guns don't attack him. I think that's a problem. The whole idea of a disguised spy does have it's issues in a multiplayer game, as players typically shoot everyone they see just in case they are a spy. So I understand that making the disguise disappear will make it much harder to infiltrate the enemy. But a spy can do alot of damage very quickly with his backstab and fast sapping. The time it takes you to kill a spy usually gives him enough time to cause the harm he had intended to do anyway. TF2 servers with FF on would make the 'disguise disappears when shot' a good option.

4. Backstab. Well it sounds like a great idea, but it takes place too easily in my opinion. It seems that the angle that allows for a backstab is very broad. Also, the spy is allowed to backstab with no prep time and at a full run. This means that if a spy can get past the initial encounter by dodging gunshots or going invisible / disguising, he can run around and backstab people all the while everyone is shooting at him. I've seen plenty of cases where there are several people all trying to shoot the spy, and the spy is jumping and weaving and gets behind people quicker than they can turn their mouse to face him and they all get backstabbed. A running knife hit should not count as a backstab in my opinion. I would set it so a truly stealthy backstab works, which would require standing behind the guy and pulling out the knife, a 1-2 second wait.

With all that added together, I think that spies are very overpowered, regardless of their vulnerabilities. They wreak so much havok so easily that a few spies on one side really change the balance in a match.

Ok, that was a huge post but it's alot to think about and discuss. I'd really like to hear your opinions on TF2 class balance. I'm trying to figure it all out while I play, and my opinions will probably change as I spend more time playing. Please share your feedback and your ideas.
Here's a quick summary of my biggest points:

1. Running speed for everyone is too fast and makes fighting 'twitchy' instead of tactical.
2. Scout's speed + shotgun give him too much advantage.
3. Soldier's 4 shot RPG is wierd. I'd prefer a stronger SMG and a strong single-shot reloadable RPG.
4. DemoGuy could use alt-fire option for regular nade gun, would be nice to have 'round the corner TNT bomb'
5. Turrets need more hitpoints, less damage, resistant to bullets / knives
6. Dispensers should not dispense metal, which allows engies to constantly repair their turrets
7. Medic syringegun could get special effects like poison / slow / shrooms-mode
8. Ubercharge is exploited by soldier / demoman self-damage
9. Sniper SMG is underpowered. Would rather see with shotgun and give SMG to soldier.
10. Spy is unbalanced with too-easy backstab
11. Sappers destroy equipment too quickly / can be deployed too quickly on multiple targets
12. In general, spy is able to do 'drive-by specials' by backstabbing / sapping on the run. Me no likey.
13. Get rid of magic hovering health and ammo items and place depletable medic / ammo cabinets in key places instead.
Every suggestion you propose changes the balance in some way. Why would you want to change the balance in a perfectly balanced game? Every class is able to own, has its own role and amount of responsibility due to their dynamic-ness within each other. The game, in my opinion and many others, is perfect the way it is. Absolutely perfect.
I disagree with most of your points, I might post something longer when I have the time but for the time being I'll just comment on a couple of points.

A team of scouts is not unbeatable if the opposing team isn't brain dead. Sure a team of scouts can win the first round against an unsuspecting opponent but the next round a team made up of pyro's, heavies, medics and engineers will easily beat them.

The running speed is fine, you talk about "quake skills" but I'm not sure what you want - TF2 is basically deathmatch with classes and objectives it doesn't pretend to be anything else.

Teleport speed it fine, it would be unbalanced to teleport any faster and if yours are being destroyed easily then you aren't building them in the right spot.

In a couple of your points you mention things that are "not realistic". TF2 hasn't aimed for realism and I think the game is much more fun because of that.

The Sapper's are also fine, if the buildings have any support at all it makes things much harder for the spy. Often as the spy against a well defended spot either must get his team mates to attack at the same time he goes sapping or continually place/replace sappers while avoiding enemy fire long enough for them to work. If they were any slower it would be too hard to take out sentries.

The Soldier only gets one shot kills on criticals or if they are already damaged.

Lastly I hate you because now I want to go play TF2 but I have to get ready for work ;)
I disagree with almost every one of your points...it's seems like you want every class to be equally effective against the others.

The only points I agree with are:

Scout's gun is too powerful
Switch solider and sniper secondary weapons...but beef up the power of the SMG and decrease the RoF, even changing to a rifle completely, something akin to the standard WWII rifle.

- Z
Like with the rest of the people, I disagree with your posts. This isn't supposed to be a perfect balance with every class game. This isn't Warcraft 2. Every class has their weak and strong points. No one class can "pwn" every other class *unless it's in the hand of a someone really good vs team of newbs...* The only gripes here and there are small ones, but I must say Valve has made one of the most perfectly balanced games I've seen since Starcraft.
Thanks for this post, in general I agree almost with all your points but I also can see where the opposition is coming from.
Although I love TF I always preferred more realistic games. Tricks like rocket-jumping, total cloak, not to mention friendly fire off show what it is, just a fun game with no deeper meaning.
What really bothers me is the way the game deals with uneven teams.
Often I see 3 players difference for quite some time. We all know that already one player more (i.e. a sentry gun) can decide the outcome of a game.
Maybe it would be a solution to block players until teams are even?
Balance…I have the feeling, however strong a class is, there is always one disadvantage which makes another class stronger. Teamplay is everything.
A horde of scouts will be nothing in front of two sentries and a pyro.
So the feeling about all this is very subjective
Altogether I think it is quite well balanced game play.
Scouts seem overpowered but IMO are very vulnerable to SG,( man how tired I am to play engineer. Dead boring.)
Soldier/demo: I just would like to see more damage if rocketjumping, but that’s me and my wish for a bit more reality.
Pyro, too powerful in short distance. Takes out a heavy in less than a second? Come on!
Anyway since I started to play the game the pyro seems much more powerful than in the beginning.
Moving very fast, seems almost invulnerable to heavy and can kill heavy very fast.
Medic: I absolutely agree that ubercharge should be always build up slow. If Ubercharge maybe just for the other player , not for the medic?
Needle gun could need some funny effect but should not be deadly.
Spy is very powerful if skilled player. IMO cloak just should enable to pass enemy lines. NO other action should be possible as long cloaked.
It seems Spy is more powerful than in the beginning too. I remember it was possible to take a spy out with one hit of a engineer. Now you can unload a whole shotgun and he will zapp a couple of devices and be able to escape.
But To lose disguise immediately when shot I think only should come with a certain degree of friendly fire on! Anyway, everybody shooting at everybody is in my books ridiculous.