Would you buy a "Hl2.net comic" over the internet if all the profits went to charity?


Jan 15, 2004
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This is an idea me and sulkdodds have been talking about for a while. We basically want to send his HL2.net comic and POSSIBLY my resistance comic (that is if anyone actually likes it) along with design sketches and full comic covers, through the mail to anyone who is willing to pay for them, and ALL of the profit will go to the Tsunami disaster fund.

The comics would be laid out like any other comic- with a printed front cover and an introduction page written by sulkdodds. This would involve photocopying the comics onto A3 paper (then folding and stapling them into an A4 sized comic) and sending the comics through the post to people, with bonuses such as concept sketches and designs. I'm sure Many of you would be very interested in buying this, as it contains many references to popular faces in the forum and maybe even
yourself! Plus all of the profit would be going to charity, so if you want to help out it would be a good way to donate.

The "packs" we would send out would probally include:
The HL2.net comic written and drawn by Sulkdodds
Concept sketches by sulkdodds of characters, scenes and events
Chapter 1 of "Resistance!" (a HL2 inspired comic written and drawn by me)
Concept sketches by both of us for HL2 characters
Possibly even a "live action" version using photos and speech bubbles!

Te only trouble is payments. We have already decided that if we were to do this 100% of the profits would go to charity, but the problem is actually getting the money. I'm positive that if people were able to just hand over a few quid they would be very eager to buy this and give money to charity- but unfortunately we would have to use a PayPal system, which would put many people off. What we had in mind is if money was given to the HL2.net site (i.e. Munro or one of the supermods), and then me and Sulkdodds are informed of the donator and we can send a pack to them straight away through the post.

Just to give you an idea; £10 will feed 10 families for a week, and all the money that we raise would go towards keeping the homeless victims from falling into poverty. This is not just some random idea to give people comics- we are genuinely interested in doing are part for the tsunami disaster- and I'm sure Forum members would want to as well. We could publicly display all the members who have donated money to the disaster, so that people will feel proud that they have donated the money- and I’m sure MANY people would give more than we ask.

If you are willing to pay money over the internet to recieve the pack mentioned above, please state so in this thread. we need to know how many people are interested before we even start to arrange this. Please post any comments.. maybe you are fully capable of paying? maybe you want to pay, but don't have a paypal account or don't like the idea of using a credit card? maybe you don't like the idea of recieving my comic because it is shit in comparison with Sulkdodds? please post any comments here!

For those of you who can't be bothered to read this thread:

  • We want to send you comics! (see first paragraph)
  • You would have to pay Hl2.net money over paypal
  • We would send them to you via royal mail
  • 100% of the profit made from your money would go to helping those in India and other countries affected by the Tsunami
  • Please post if you are interested!
Wraith said:
make this a poll.

why? if you would be interested, you can make a post- we want opinions, not just a number.
Uh... I'd probably buy one, 10£ is an amount I could spare (I'm just a poor student) - but I do not have a PayPal Account nor do I have a Creditcard. I usually pay per bank transfer. You're in the UK, right? Fee was just 41€Ct.
The comics would probally cost about £4 ($8), because the posting cost and photocopying cost would cost about £1. that's £3 to charity every comic.
Will someone be going over the drawings in Illustrator or something? Or will they just be pencil?
StardogChampion said:
Will someone be going over the drawings in Illustrator or something? Or will they just be pencil?

The comics have been inked, that is why the lines are black and not grey. It is extremely unlikely that anything else will be done to them except general touch ups, we won't be adding colour to either for instance.

But if loads of people want something- we will probally do it if it means that we can raise more money.

Just please post your complete, honest opinion on whether you WOULD possibly buy this! don't forget it all goes to charity.
I am really interessed. The only problem I see it's the payement. I do not have a credit card either a PayPal account.
Why don't you just make the comic downloadable? Would save all the hassle of copying, shipping etc..
SixThree said:
Why don't you just make the comic downloadable? Would save all the hassle of copying, shipping etc..

if you had clicked the link, you would have noticed it was downloadable. But we want to send it to people in a comic form to raise money. This is all for charity...
Hey, £4 is a bit much. Most likely be a little cheaper. But yes, we'd like to see how many people would buy it for charity.

As for PayPal...well, do you trust the mail service with your money?
This is EXACTLY the thing i was worried about... either people are too young to have a credit card, or they don't trust the internet. But there's not really any other way to do it, unless you send a cheque through the mail. But then the site has no way of telling if we are giving the money to charity.
But then the site has no way of telling if we are giving the money to charity.

Unless we go round to Munro's house and give it to him.
You don't need a credit card for paypal, Debit will do...
Well im definately interested as both of you heard today and i'll help in any way you need :)
im with hells.

not cos of the comic or anything its just for those people in asia, poor bastards. not saying i dont want a copy of your comic sulk ;)
I would be interested in buying a copy if I could pay in an acceptable way, that is paying with visa or something.
Im interested, i can spare 4 quid :) and aslong as that money goes to charity.
Pending removal of the blur effect in Resistance, I'LL TAKE THE WHOLE MESS OF EM! :D:D:D

Err, kidding. You could put me down for a couple if I can find a way to get the payment to you.

/me indicates location
I would be very interested if you cleaned up the comics a bit, added some color...

But if you are just sending out the copies we have seen as is, I don't think I would buy it.
what not even to help poor dying people in asia... well you frankly suck Dalamari. :frown:
I would be interested if I could actually pay for one somehow. But I think it might be easier for me to just give locally to be honest.

Not that I dont like the comics. They are great. :)
I would only buy the comic if the artwork was up to the standard of Penny Arcade or Ctrl-Alt-Del sort of thing, with colour, etc.
I myself would preffer the original black and white look.
To be frank, I think it would look worse with colors.
Do it to the same sort of art quality as Penny Arcade, release it fortnightly or so, and make it a nice big story that fills the whole screen, like the current hl2.net comic, and yes, i will pay money for it, $3 - $5 for it.