would you buy this?


Jun 7, 2010
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Im thinking of building a hl2 collectible item for myself and possibly for any other fans who would like to buy one.... an emergency glass box with freeman's crowbar in it, and says "break glass in case of headcrabs" on it.
tell me what you guys think...
-Thanks! :laugh:
I'd buy that for a dollar!
I could go build the same thing for probably less than you would charge.
But people don't buy things because it's cheaper than them doing it. They buy things because it's more convenient.


*EDIT* I'm slightly considering it. How much? *throws wallet at cheesin66*
enjoy the lawsuits when 9 year olds are taken to the emergency room due to severe blood loss...are you typically in the business of harming children?
I think you should be a comedian instead.
I checked out the supplies needed and Ill probably have to charge around 50 bucks.
It'd be a neat thing to have, but as Tyguy mentioned, it's not really feasible due to legal reasons. Plus what you're proposing isn't exactly hard to do; simply getting a glass case, making a stencil, and etching in the words isn't too difficult, and you can pick up a wrecking bar from anywhere and paint it.
Do you people realize that every school has a break glass fire extinguisher or a break glass in case of fire box? And im pretty sure that if they have them in schools ( that are filled with 9 year olds) its fine to have them in your home.
if a child faces that many emergency situations in his life i pity his poor soul. also, my high school didn't have these so either it's litigated by district or my school hates us.

just because i'm told creativity is a positive attribute i think you should go ahead and make it and subsequently post the images in this thread.
I lol @ people talking about lawsuits. That doesn't even make any sense AND U JUST BE TROOLIN!

*Insert Boxy video*