Would you ever DUI?

Would you ever drive a car under the influence of alcohol?

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Sep 18, 2003
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Would you ever drive a car under the influence of alcohol?
"Yes, in emergencies only!"

And then I mean real emergencies, not like "oh noez, ill miss an episode of whatever!111"

It's a horrible crime when you think of it, risking other people's lives because you can't control yourself.
Drunk? Only in emergencies.. However under the *slight* influence of alcohol.. Almost daily.
From my sober point of view I would never, but it's hard to predict what I could decide to do under the influence.
I totally agree Taxman... although I accidentally did it this morning, hence why I voted 2 instead of 3.
never drive under the influence, wait at least an hour and half after a single pint. Personally I don't like the feeling of driving under the influence, even when under the legal limit.
Only if it were something where I had to get someone to the hospital immediately. And on the plus side, if we got in an accident, we'd already be halfway there :D
maybe like the morning after when i'm still a bit woozy, but never drunk
Hell no - and if you do, I shall personally cockslap you.
Why not? It's fun as shit, and you don;t really care anyway.

Wow idiotic statement. Don't even know where to begin so I won't

I don't think I would ever drive drunk, and it would have to be a pretty damned serious emergency for me to even think about it...not something like "oh no I'm gonna be 30 minutes late to work if I wait for a ride so I better just take a chance". not worth it. You're putting not only yourself in danger, but other innocent people around you as well. 100% stupid decision and there are only few instances I can conceive where drunk driving would ever even be close to justified
There is never an emergency to drive under the influence of alcohol.
Anyone who DUIs should get locked up for a looong time. I say that with no exaggeration.


I hope anyone who voted the first option gets their licenses revoked...is there anyway we can submit this to authorites? >.<
If you drive under the influence of alcohol because of an emergency, you're likely to just create an other one. People who do this intentionally should be shot. Seriously.
I didn't do it intentionally, I woke up in a groggy daze, and late for work. I didn't really know I was still drunk, I was too drunk to notice - whilst being stuck in the routine of waking up and needing to get to work. I never drive after i've been drinking, or if i'm planning on drinking.
Only in emergencies. And only if i'm not too drunk. I wouldn't want to risk the chance of killing me and my companion, even if it was an emergency. I'd find a neighbor and try to have them drive.
I enjoy the benefits of a mass transit system near my place and an easy route to downtown. I get plastered and just catch a train back home from the clubs.

I did **** up in my youth though. I got too drunk on SoCo and drove through some bushes and passed out behind those same bushes. I got lucky that was all that happened.
Nope, I would never drive under the influence. I get pretty light-headed after only one drink, so there's no way I would risk my life or someone elses by doing something so reckless after I've had several.
kik dude thats when driving is funnest

I hope anyone who voted the first option gets their licenses revoked...is there anyway we can submit this to authorites? >.<

Snitches get stitches. BTW your HTML at the end of your post messed up it's incomplete + the forum doesnt accept HTML in posts.
I did it once - crashed into a tree, wrote my car off, sustained fairly major injuries and got banned for 18 months. Thoroughly deserved.
I had driven under very mild influence when i was a little younger (2 pints or thereabouts), but never since. Even 2 pints is enough to impair your judgement enough to cause an accident. So never again for me, couldn't live with putting peoples lives in danger.
I can't drive yet, but I would avoid driving while drunk unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. And I mean "my wife is going to die and the phone lines are down" necessary, not "I want icecream" necessary.
I can't drive yet, but I would avoid driving while drunk unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. And I mean "I want icecream" necessary, not "my wife is going to die and the phone lines are down" necessary.
I did it once - crashed into a tree, wrote my car off, sustained fairly major injuries and got banned for 18 months. Thoroughly deserved.

For once in your life you got something back that you dish out. You got banned!
Very true. This was many, many years ago though. And it was a week after I passed my driving test...
Perhaps if the president of asia was dying, i might.

Emergencies only.
I stopped drinking when I was 14,so no not under any circumstances.
I voted NO.

It may be an emergency, but I may make it even MORE of an emergency. I don't trust myself driving sober, let alone under the influence.
No. I might drive to the gas station about a mile away for cigs, but that's only under the slightest influence of alcohol. Anything more to drink and I'll walk. Any greater distance and I'll wait until morning.

It's been tempting. I can certainly see where drunk people get off thinking they can still drive. But then I convince myself not to be a complete idiot. If it's an emergency, I'll call a friend, relative, or a cab.
Well I knew a guy (family friend) who got drunk at a bar early this year and decided to drive home. About 3 am the cops found him, his car went through a house while people were still inside sleeping. Fortunatly no one was hurt though. The house had to be condemned (which he has to pay for the family to get a new house), he lost his license, lost his 6 figure paying job, and his wife is divorcing him...the thing is no one can find him (must have ran away or left the state). I haven't seem him since before that day.

So that's just a story for anyone who thinks it's a good idea to get drunk off your ass and then get behind the wheel
Never been drunk, don't plan to drink. Ever.

I'm like the other half of rimfire.

Except for the frequent masturbation that is.
I would never, under any circumstance, drive under the influence of alcohol because I don't have a driver's license. I do ride bicycles under influence tho. Does that count?
Snitches get stitches. BTW your HTML at the end of your post messed up it's incomplete + the forum doesnt accept HTML in posts.
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