Would you like to see your fiction on the site?


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
I'm setting up a lovely new section for Fan Fiction and if you would like to see yours on there with pretty lights and fluffy bunnies surrounding it then give me a link to your post and I'll add it with credit :)
I'll end it, improve it and reboost it to higher levels b4 doing anything like that.

But that's very cool of you Munro. *bows to Munro in thx*
I think it would be better to send it through email as the PM word limit might stop it from sending :) My address is [email protected]
not meaning to sound rude or anything, but can you tell us how/when this will take place?
I wouldnt mind mine being on a website :E Its not finnished tho, Ill try and add the last chapter this weekend.
As soon as I get working on my story (again *sigh*... Still on Ch.4), and finish it, I'll email it. Perhaps over the summer I'll find the time to do it.
Is it just stories for HL2 or original Half-life as well?