Would you rather...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Flitwick
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Would you rather be in an airplane... someone throws the parachute out of the door, and 5 seconds later they push you out! ... or in a boat, they throw the oxygen tank overboard and 5 seconds later you must try to catch it! :bounce:
The oxygen tank would sink WAY faster then the parachute, so the first one.
Then again, flying over to a parachute might not be so easy. 5 seconds is a long time when youa re moving that fast.
I'd imagine you could fairly easily catch up with the parachute by creating much less drag on your body.
I dunno, i mean how fast does a parachute fall when its wrapped up?

Besides...what do you need an oxygen tank for when you are ontop fo the sea?
Farrowlesparrow said:
I dunno, i mean how fast does a parachute fall when its wrapped up?
Pretty damn fast, but I'd rather take that chance than risking diving underwater so fast that I run out of oxygen before I return to surface (you'd never catch the oxygen tank, anyway).
Both are pretty stupid, I'd just push the guy out before he came to me....I assume they would want to save money by carrying this out with several people at once.

Maybe the oxygen tank has neutral boyancy..
Mabye you missed the parachute, you would get a hold on it again.
A normal divers oxygen tank would sink like a rock, so i'd deffinately chose the parachute.

God, we have no lives, do we?
Another interesting point to make...This boat might be on a boating lake which is only a few feet deep.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Another interesting point to make...This boat might be on a boating lake which is only a few feet deep.
The plane might be on the runway, but I seriously doubt it :p
True...Or you could be sitting in a boat thats been pushed out the back of a large plane. We just don't know...
Heh, its a fast growing thread that Abom or Fenric haven't closed so Flitwick must be on to something.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, its a fast growing thread that Abom or Fenric haven't closed so Flitwick must be on to something.

It's a conspiracy! :O
It actually insights discussion, so it's not really spam.
But back to the point....What about being pushed out of a car 5 seconds after a seat belt?
I wouldn't get on an airplane/boat with someone who I suspect is planning to push me out in the first place.

Sorry but the water sound effect that starts is off is just too cheesy(Even if it is real)....Let it be stricken from the record.

But just while we are on it...I would steal her tank, punch a hole in it and fly to safetly, Hollywood style....Then i would come to her resuce....Hollywood style.
water sounds fine to me, that's what it actually sounds like when you're diving in it.. but the movie looks terible.. are those people supposed to be acting?
I would much rather be pushed out of a boat, it is a lot easier to grab onto it when you fall out. I would know, I have fallen out of a lot of boats....but never any planes.
the parachute. you DID however neglect to say airspeed and altitude though.

no way to get the oxygen tank though. sink like a rock, MUCH faster then you can swim down. I could however, float forever. no need to really get it.
Haha, i thought that second sentence about floating forever was to do with being dropped out fo the plane :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Pretty buggered if they dropped you over the sea then eh...

Wouldn't the water act more like cement in that case?

anyway, that movie looks horrible.
Well really cement acts like cement...Water just feels hard....There is still a chance you would survive the initial fall but the subsequent drowning because of many broken bones and the intense cold siezing up your entire body would be reallyy nasty....
so what if its an aircraft carrier and they throw the parachute off the plane and into the ocean then what?!?1 -_-
Maybe its a spaceship...I think this topic is dying, we need some life here or we abbandon it.
/me adds insta life just add water(tm) and a cup of water to thread.

What if a Giant blimp carries the aircraft on the carrier in the air over the ground? Then what?
I still think we should move onto other forms of transport...So what if you were thrown out of a submarine 5 seconds after a life jacket, fully inflated of course :)


What if you were throw out of a house 5 seconds ofter the key?
Would you rather:

Have 1 testicle the size of a cocconut?


Have 17 testicles that hang down like a bunch of grapes?
Ouch man....Hey did you see that video of the guy with the really big ones that needed to be held when he went up steps and stuff?

Anyway, I'm not going to answer that question on account of it being toa great a risk...I might get all hysterical and make it reality.