Wouldnt it be funny...



Wouldnt it be funny if when u play portal your character randomly shot a portal and when he went through it he was on a bridge and when he looked down he saw gordan drive by then the helicopter thats chasing him to. And if u play half life 2 episode 2 u see the portal character walking across the bridge while the helicopter is chasing u. :bounce:
Mildly humorous? Yes.

Extremely retarded? You better believe it.
I don't think Valve is into doing these things. Especially when the portal gun doesn't enable time travel.
Portals do not randomly teleport people across the universe. And if they do, the portal character has a better chance of ending up in deep space, inside the Earth or, if s/he is lucky - some random wall. And not "on the bridge with gordon driving by".
Portals do not randomly teleport people across the universe. And if they do, the portal character has a better chance of ending up in deep space, inside the Earth or, if s/he is lucky - some random wall. And not "on the bridge with gordon driving by".

yeah, tell that to the random teleportation sequence in hl1
yeah, tell that to the random teleportation sequence in hl1

Are you referring the the initial Resonance Cascade or some later strange teleport sequence I wasn't aware of?
He's referring to Resonance Cascade which has nothing to do with opening portals with Portal gun. Portals opened with portal gun do not randomly teleport you. You choose the entrance, you choose the exit.
I think that the whole chance encounters thing was done to death in Opposing Force. It would only be funny to do it again if it was done in a tongue-in-cheek way. Portal seems quite tongue-in-cheek, especially from what we know of ApertureScience.com, so who knows.

Probably won't happen though, I'm glad to say.
He's referring to Resonance Cascade which has nothing to do with opening portals with Portal gun. Portals opened with portal gun do not randomly teleport you. You choose the entrance, you choose the exit.

Hmm. What happens if you set one enterence, but no exit, and attempt to go through?

My initial thought is that it'll just fail. My second thought is that it'll kill you somehow.
In narbacular drop each level starts with an entrance and exit portal by default. So you will always have a couple of portals. I'm assuming this will be the case in Portal to prevent you from entering a portal that doesn't have an exit.
ahahahhahahaha wooow that wsa the greatest post in the world!
Man, I wish you could make only one portal, then your guy could be like stuck somewhere wierd in the universe, then die.
It's primarily single-player, though there've been hints that the dev team is working on a multiplayer mode as well.
i watched the trailer, it seems to be pretty cool. now i wonder if the singleplayer will have a real story or something.. but i doubt it.
Portal will have a story, and it will intersect with the Half-life 2 episodes.
hmm i wonder why they dont want money for it then if they put so much work into it :\
Oh, Eber, I desperately want to hear your opinions about portal.
i already sayd that its a good idea... but since i dont really know what it will be about yet...
It isn't free =/ your paying for it in the price of te Ep2 package, nothing is free unless your a priate, AARRRGGG! me m8tz!
but u pay for the ep2 package as much as u pay for the ep1 package, that for it is free :\
No it was said the Ep2 package will be more expensive than the Ep1 package.

That fact that Episode 1 was roughly the same price as a new book, new CD or DVD that's been out for 3 months, it was hardly expensive. Hence I doubt Episode 2 will be that hard on the bank balance. I earn enough to buy roughly 10 copies of Episode 1 every week and that's with school as well.
That fact that Episode 1 was roughly the same price as a new book, new CD or DVD that's been out for 3 months, it was hardly expensive. Hence I doubt Episode 2 will be that hard on the bank balance. I earn enough to buy roughly 10 copies of Episode 1 every week and that's with school as well.

I have purchased Half-Life 2 from a local store,here in Romania at the prize of nearly 150 euro.Episode One i haven't purchased i think that i'm going to buy Ep.1 and Ep.2 when the second one comes out in my country.
On topic:It wouldn't be funny :p
Wouldnt it be funny if when u play portal your character randomly shot a portal and when he went through it he was on a bridge and when he looked down he saw gordan drive by then the helicopter thats chasing him to. And if u play half life 2 episode 2 u see the portal character walking across the bridge while the helicopter is chasing u. :bounce:

Kids, don't do drugs, or you might end up frying your brain cells like the poster above.